Chapter 16

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Months later, I was beginning to slack in my everyday exercises. For I was now seven months pregnant once again. And my baby bump was much large in size with the occasional vomiting every morning.

'Master' allowed me to skip training for the remainder of my pregnancy, and then I would go into the frozen time period for the next two decades or so.

To say that I was excited would be too overwhelming. I did love to be young, yes. But, being young for all of eternity is an understatement. I did not wish to see my children die before me, and miss out on being their mother either way.

But it is what I have decided, and it is what will come of the future for me.
"Its a boy" I told Anakin flatly as I sat, laid back between his spread legs in comfort.
My head lay, rested against his chest like a pillow, feeling the vibrations of his throaty chuckle. "It is a girl" he tried to tell me otherwise.

"Are you the one carrying this child around inside of you?" I questioned sarcastically, giving him a questioning glance. "I do not think so, Ani" I smiled.

"Alright, then we will find out when the day comes" he exclaimed wisely, helping me stand to my feet.

I smiled lazily, "or it is today?" I recommended. "I have an appointment with Tiesto, she planned on finding out for me" I insisted. "With your consent, of course" I bowed my head hopefully. Doing my best to stay respectful and full of excitement with hope toward my husband.

He sucked in a deep breath. And then let it out carelessly. "Alright, go ahead. But you must come to inform me of the gender right after, okay?" He allowed, poking the tip of my nose in the end with a kind smile.

I reflected his actions before wrapping my arms around his neck happily, hugging him tightly. His arms traveled around my waist, bringing me as closely to him as he could. For the bump separated us at a great distance.

I sighed joyously in the crook of his neck. "Okay" I mumbled.

Anakin walked me down to the infirmary. Leaving me at the door with a kiss to the forehead and a still lingering smile. For he still had training along with Declyn.

And now I lay along a white blanketed uncomfortable gurney as Tiesto rubbed a chilled blue jelly over my bulging stomach.

Anakin had hardly changed over the months. It wasn't much but he still did. Only a little. But that little meant a great difference in my eyes. Never did he raise a hand on me, not sense that last time. The bruises were gone of course. He wasn't as cold a man anymore. His heart radiated off just a tinge warmth, but he did have his moments almost everyday. To keep from lashing out at me, he would leave the room for hours.

Even though, there was something still missing. I wasn't sure but there was something. Like it was hidden under the courses of his veins. Deep within, away from me. He had this look in his eyes, like he hated me being here.

Although, some part of me felt as of he was just holding back, due to the child growing inside of me. And that once this child departures from my stomach, all of his anger will unleash and will not hold back this time.

"See" Tiesto instructed, pointing to the monitor.

I looked at the screen, seeing an object moving around occasionally. Not much, but just enough so that we new it was okay. "What is it?" I asked in amazement. Smiling at the baby on the monitor.

Tiesto directed her attention back to the screen, moving the small mouse around my tummy.

After a few moments, she redirected her attention to my eyes. A bright smile across her lips. "A boy"

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