Chapter 19

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Glaring at the rude man, I shoved him forward with just the slightest twitch of my fingertips. Koen giggled at the sight of watching the ugly troll fall like dominos onto an innocent bystander. I smirked down at my son, who sat in my arms.

The Master was generous enough to allow me to recover after the birthing process, giving me a maximum of 2 months in recovery. Although I was required to train with Anakin after hours, so that he could teach me while I did not have to breast feed Koen.

I convinced the lord to let me travel with Koen, although he required I have a chaperone so that "no one took advantage of me". But it was really so that I would not run.

A few clones would follow me around at a safe distance, keeping a close eye on things. Every other time, Anakin would accompany me, we would stroll through the marketplaces, spending time with our child, rather than with each other. We did not talk much anymore, still sharing a chamber together so that he could be close to Koen who stayed close to me. Just because I didn't love Anakin, did not mean i was a cruel person who would hide their son away. He deserved to see him just as much as I did.

We did make him together after all. *Wink wink*

"I know you're too young
To understand this...but i'm going to say it anyway and hope for the best" I spoke quietly to Koen, staring ahead. "You're father is a good man... Sometimes.. He can have his moments but its okay because everyone has their outbursts every once in a while" I began to explain as I swerved pass many other creatures and or humans.

"We have had dark pasts, your father and I.. And although we wish most never occurred we cannot take it back" I stepped over a shattered fighting bot and quickened my pace so that I could leave the particular area.

"You were supposed to be born in the light, not darkness, to be wrapped in a pretty blue blanket, not a black towel.. You're one of two sons of a man swallowed by fear of the darkside and a women who did nothing but follow after..." I stopped walking and look down at the fidgeting child who sucked on his thumb. "You are a light that can shine brighter than anything and everything and never forget that" I whispered.

"Ma'am" I turned sharply to face the timid voice, spinning around to stand before an elderly women with dirt clumped to her rags. "Do you have any food to spare?" She asked, holding out her two hands cupped together.

Pitying the women I smiled assuring her while reaching into one of my pockets and pulling out a great amount of cash for her. I hadn't planned to use it, and I still had a few more tokens to spare to get Koen something. "I do not have any food, but I do have this cash... Here, take it" I pushed the money into her trembling hands, the biggest smile on her face.

She kept stuttering, trying to figure out the words for her to say, shaking me head I placed my hand on her forearm gently. "It's nothing, I had no use for it either way..."

She nodded and scurried back into the foods market place. "That was kind of you Nicolette... Too kind really" his voice was deeper than normal. Which likely meant he was in no mood for deniability.

"Maybe we should add hours to our training.. You seem to be forgetting who you are now" I sighed at his words.

"I come here to escape work, Anakin.. Not to hear you bitch" with that I continued my walking with my cradled son in my arms.

It wasn't long until loud footsteps were increasing from behind. "We need to talk, Nicolette" his hand found a way to my shoulder, and in return I flinched it away.

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