Offical Teaser/Sneak Peak

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Here is the official Teaser/Sneak Peak of the Sequel.
Happy birthday my Lil skywookies.

This is written in third person, Even though the book will be in first.


"Anakin!" She shouted almost breathlessly. Running up to the named man, arms wide with welcome and an almost. Unbelievable smile wrapped up in her lips. Nicolette's arms flew around his torso as soon as she'd gotten close enough, and Anakin, now stunned, did nothing but gape at this women.
"Where have you been?! Why didn't you come back? I was so worried about you." She frantically asked, voiced muffled at the feeling of her face, pressed against his warm, but tensed chest.

Anakin stood, confused at this women's words. What was she talking about? He hasn't left anywhere. Which is what he could only think of. "I'm sorry?" Anakin spoke, pushing Nicolette's tiny frame from his body as gently as he could, speaking as if he hadn't heard her correctly.

"Why didn't you come back?" She repeats, brows furrowed, for she was slightly saddened at the memories of her, standing outside their small home on tatooine, waiting for countless hours each night. In hopes of her beloved husband, son's and best friend's return. Even on the coldest of nights, she would wait, rubbing her arms and drinking hot water to keep her warm.

When he didn't reply, much less flex a single muscle in his almost solemn-expression face, she frowned. "Anakin?" She whispers almost hesitantly, reaching outward to grab his hand, in which he brushed away.

"I'm sorry..." Anakin apologized. "But- i do not know what you're talking about." His voice growing smoother and even more sincere with each word.

Nicolette frowned at that. She was confused, that was for sure. She wasn't understanding why Anakin was acting that way. Why did he say that he didn't understand? Why did he look at her as if he wasn't sure what to feel? Why wasn't Luke or Declyn with him? Where's the smile and kiss she was expecting once he laid eyes on her. Where was all of that?

"But Ani-" he shook his head, taking a step away when she tried to take his hand once more. "My name isn't Anakin. You're mistaken. Ma'am." He explains, half smiling at her to show that it was okay that she's mistaken him for someone else. It seems to happen so much lately for him. Many people he didn't know, running up to him, calling him Anakin and asking about his wife, Nico, which would contfuse him all the more. Anakin's wife wasn't named Nico, nor did he have any recognition of that name.

Nicolette frowned. "What're you-"

"Vadar, dear. Whose this?" A women, much more beautiful than her, as she thought, walked up to the two. Immediately latching onto Anakins arm, which he did not fight. Instead. He welcomed it with a sweet, and loving smile.
Nicolette's frown deepened even more and Anakin seemed to forget completely of the young girl standing in front of him. His blue eyes, now trained on the women next to him. As for the women, who stared at Nicolette, she only held a smile with pestering eyes. A smile which seemed forced and judging.

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