Chapter 27

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"What are you doing Ani?" She smiled, inching closer to me while I continuously tried balancing my ligbtsabor on one finger, and failed.

Once she was close enough, I looked my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. Hearing a squeal come from her perfect lips before she laughed lightly at the gesture. I glanced down at her after catching the sabor and placing it back onto the table in front of us.

She was still showing off her teeth, having abnormally large K9s. Which I loved. "Only hugging you my dear wife" my hands sat protectively around the small of her back, and I rested my chin at the top of her head, breathing in her scent of wildflowers and cherries.

I soon felt her tiny arms wrapped around my bulky frame. Pulling me as closely to her as she possibly could. "That's okay" she mumbled against my chest. The vibrations her voice sent through me, ran desirable shivers down my spine.

"It'll always be this way? Won't it Ani?" She looked up at me. Her big brown eyes, staring into my blue ones with a sense of hope drowning behind.

My lips rose at its corners and I smiled. Feeling dimples form and my heart to flutter at the single thought of having a lifetime spent with my one true love. Nicolette Skywalker.

I nodded. "I wouldn't allow anyone to ever take you away from me, darling" I assure her, tucking a strand if her brown hair behind her ear.
She leaned into my touch. "Not even you?" She teased.

"Not even me"

"Ah!" I sat up at and extraordinary speed. My body was sweating, and i felt drowsy, along with an overheated sensation. My nose was stuffy and could feel my heart in my throat. Like it were wedged between my esophagus and trachea.

My hand found its way to my throat as I clutched on it. Feeling my pulse, and desperately breathing for much needed air. Why was i holding my breath? Was it the dream?

My heart was racing, as were my thoughts. Nicolette. Oh Nicolette. It has been a dreadful year for me, and I wish that it has been nothing but an adventure for her. After shed left with those intruders and Princess Leia Organa.

I've piled myself in with work, which kept my mind from drifting off to my lost wife. The one who'd token those vows that'd shed always follow me in everywhere I'd go. While look where those got us, broken.

The dreams, sleeping was what would provide me with nightmares of her. Filling my vulnerable thoughts of, deep memories I'd so desperately tried forgetting.

Like the one now. The dreams made me think twice on my decisions. Except, I'd always continue on the days schedule, leaving her and my pointless thoughts behind. The dreams were scams! Making me think it is my fault she has slipped away!? Such ridicule. Such nonsense.

"Lord Vadar" Declyn appeared in my, once shared chambers with Nico. I got up from the bed respectfully as he paced into the room.

"Yes, Lord Orinson" I greeted with honor. Nodding at his entrance. He pulled his mask down, along with it his hood to meet me eye to eye.

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