Chapter 21

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"Haha! I win again, Tate" he teased, easing the pressure of his sabor from my own and stepping at an appropriate distance away, readying his stance for yet another duel.

I rolled my eyes, "oh please cousin, you'd just barely managed to beat me" I swatted at him, spinning my sabor around with a smile on my face.

He sniggered at my reply, "yes, Nicolette. I suppose that may be true" he lunged forward, going as if he were to pierce my gut until I nipped his sabor with my own and jumped to flip over him.

He spun around, going to swing at my head and I ducked with ease. A triumphant smirk attached to my lips. "Be careful of what you say! You're words may deceive you" I sneered, lunging forward, only to have him knock my sabor out of my hand. I grunted in response.

"So now you admit defeat, I see?" He recommended, pushing the sabor even farther away from my grasp.

I scowled, jumping high up into the air and twirling all the way to where I now stood next to my weapon. I pick up into my hands, only to pout at the sight of it malfunctioning. Resisting to allow the beam of painful light to be released. Sparks flew from one of the chambers which held many important wires.

"Obii" I carried out his name. Pouting dramatically and sticking the cylinder which contained the beaming, powerful light, out to him. He sighed, stepping toward me slowly. "Yes? What is it Nicolette?" He questioned, now standing a few feet from me. "Did you break it again?"

I scoffed. "I most certainly did not!" I shouted in protest. Scowling up at his tall frame, crossing my arms.

He chuckled at me, taking the wrecked object into his own grasps. I watched closely as he examined the piece, as he took apart a few things, fixing a few wires and twisting a few others together before putting the entire thing back together.

He flipped the switch and soon the beaming yellow light struck out once again. I smiled at the thought of my 24 year old cousin who of course, could fix anything and everything.

He handed it back to me, the light shut off. "Yours must be short circuited, I'll have it replaced" he informed, turning to his heal to inform the blacksmiths.

I stepped forward and placed a hand on his muscle. "Please don't. I'd like to keep it! I watched what you did, if it happens again I could fix it myself" I pleaded, hoping he would allow it.

He stopped walking and sucked in a harsh breath. "That will not be necessary, Nicolette" he explained with authority. His voice, firm and without kindness. "What if you're caught in the middle of battle, and it cuts off again?" He questioned wisely.

"I'd-" I tried to come up with some sort of explanation. "-be dead" he finished for me.

I sighed in defeat, "alright" I pushed the 'broken' sabor into his hands and watched him take it with him down the halls.

Spinning on my heal to go the opposite direction, I was surprised to see Anakin standing u comfortably close to me. I jumped back in alarm, a shameful squeak escaping my lips. "You're a jumpy thing huh?" He smirked, taking a step forward as i took a risky step back.

I coughed awkwardly, mustering up a strong, believable voice before saying, "I don't know what you're talking about" in puffed out my chest, placing my hands on my hips, dramatically and looking up toward the beautifully colored ceiling.
He chose to drop the subject completely with a quick eye roll and folding his arms over one another. "I see you've met Master Obi-Wan Kenobi" he mentions.

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