Chapter 15

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I was breathing at a phenomenal speed. I couldn't slow it down, nor could I go any faster. My body was pressed between my bed and closet as I hid from him.

My mother was out there. With him, protecting me and taking the fall for something I did. Why did i come back? I could have stayed, I could have lived a long nourished life with the sand people, maybe jabba would accept me. I could have become and apprentice of Bobo Fett or Jango. Anywhere would be better than here.

But I'd be leaving my mother alone, with him. My stepbrother wasn't any better. He wouldn't take up for her, or me. He wouldn't go against his father.

My stepbrother was one for respect. He practically lived off it. He respected my stepfather, which I couldn't understand, like with my mother, why stay with a man who could raise his hand on a women and feel no regret?

I could hear my mothers muffled voice from here. She was screaming, begging for him to stop.

This was normal, almost everyday this would happen. If this kept up, she wouldn't live much longer. I heard her scream out my fathers name once, and got a slap for it and a few rude insults. Containing that he thought she'd been sleeping around with another man for attention

The sounds subsided and seconds later, my stepbrothers face reviled with a look of despair. I stared up at him in confusion until he pulled me up into his arms and began carrying me into the next room. "Stop I don't want to go in there" I pleaded, trying to wiggle from his grasp. "Stop" I said once again, more fearful than before. "No stop!"

I struggled in the arms of
Declyn for I was wide awake noe. But I could still feel it, still feel the unknown heartbreaking memory as it resurfaced into my thoughts for the first time in years.

"Nico calm down!" Declyn told me firmly, tightening his grip on me. "It was only a dream" he said.
I shook my head "no of wasn't" I told him, realizing it had been a memory I had lost when I was just a padawon.

Nexton. I thought. Nexton Daze was my stepbrother. His father, Phillip. I remembered them. For I was not an only child.

I remember, just before I'd gone off to training. Nexton had left home many years before. When I was only 11, he was 18. He had left the day after I'd turned 12. I remember him telling me that he wouldn't be gone long. And that was it, he never came back.

"For what I can remember, I am an only child" I muttered to myself. "When I was younger, just when I'd become a padawan. I hit my head and forgot everything. But eventually my memories returned, most that is." I added.
Few never did. I thought to myself.

"I couldn't remember my father and why he ever left us" I finished sadly. Sighing lightly at the thought of not knowing what he looked like.

I felt Declyn place his fingers under my chin as he brought my head up to a level position. I looked him in the eyes with a blurry vision for salty tears covered my orbs and sprinkled down my rosy cheeks.

"My life is falling apart all at once and I don't know how to stop this" I told him truthfully, coughing lightly, trying to hold back my sobs.

Declyn pulled me in for a tight embrace. The warmth of his body radiated onto my own and created a sort of safe haven in his arms for me. I fisted his dark shirt in my balled hands crying lightly drenching the flimsy fabric with my tears.
"You won't have to face it alone" he assured me kindly. Hugging me tighter and blocking away all the discomfort that was trying to break the barrier.

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