Dungeon Chapter 17 - The Library of Hyrule

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            …and that is the tale of Hyrule,” Endeavor said. Lifting her hand to show both of them, Endeavor finished, “I bear the mark of Reechka, Goddess of Secrecy. I am the first to bear this mark, and I hope to be the last.”

            Link asked, “Wait…shouldn’t there be three pieces to the Triforce?”

            Something hit his head. He stood dazed for a moment as Endeavor shouted at him, “Respect the Goddesses, Link!” Once his eyes refocused again, Link saw the husk of a deku nut lying on the ground.

            “Besides, it is not technically a part of the Triforce,” Hylia stated, removing the hand from over Her eyes. “While it is easier to call it the Triforce of Secrecy, the true name of it is the Radiant Light, and its potential is not yet reached. Though that will come in time...a much later time, but in time.”

             Zelda asked, “Wait…Goddess…how did you and I…”

            Hylia smiled, and walked up to Zelda. She said, “When my sister returned, you and I no longer were one. Though time has returned, something must be broken in its place. It seems you and I were chosen for this.”

            “Does that mean…that…” she glanced at Link. His brows furrowed in confusion. Mean what?

            There was a hint of pink on Hylia’s cheeks. “No. I fear Demise’s curse was put on the two of you. I am not a full goddess, but I am still immortal. I must remain that way and watch from afar. Though, you two will always meet, I assure you.”

            Zelda’s cheeks gained a bit of color as well and she looked away. Link remained confused. When Endeavor remained silent, Link remembered the reason they had come here and wondered why she hadn’t asked.  So, he inquired on his own, “Goddess, where is the Master Sword now?”

            “Ah, yes, my gift to you so many years ago,” Hylia said. Link paused, something clicking in the back of his mind. She went on, “It is right of you to ask, but now that you know of my eldest sister, I fear your quest for that blade is not yet over. There is still one more temple you must honor before you may claim it again.”

            “Which temple is that?” Zelda asked.

            Endeavor growled, “Have you forgotten already the legend I took so long to retell? The fact that is ended only years before your own lives would seemed to have sparked at least some of your interest.”

            Hylia sighed, muttering, “You are so much like her, it’s terrifying…” Loudly, Hylia said, “Yes, it is the Temple of Secrecy you must visit last before you can claim your blade once more, Link. But such a place is only known by the most secretive race in Hyrule. A race soon unseen that the rulers of this land only know this exist purely by trust that they do.”

            Link looked at Endeavor. Endeavor said, “You must come to the home of the Drex if you wish to honor my Goddess. A place that only I know the entrance to.”

            “But by visiting the Temple to cleanse it, doesn’t that mean that…Ganondorf has made his way there too?” Link asked.

            “It is true,” Endeavor said. “Ganondorf made his way into Reechka’s Temple. We know not how, save that it has happened. This is the urgency behind my return. My people are hard pressed keeping the creatures at bay. But the fact that he has also managed to put his monsters into this place says Ganondorf’s power is increasing at an alarming rate.”

[EDITING] The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now