Chapter 5.

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A: "Oh my gosh I haven't even asked you the most important question yet Levi! What brings you to WA?"
L: "well my manager wanted to move over here because there are better schools and ,ore opportunities, so mum and I came over to find a house"
I found out that Levi is going to be coming to my school and living in the same area as Roxie and I! What a coincidence! We walk down into the main space of the mall and there are so many shops to go into!! It's only 11:30, so we still have plenty of time for shopping.
A: "Let's go into Ralph Lauren first"
R: "Okayyyy, this way" we swore and turn around, all knocking into each other!
L: "Wow!" SPLAT Levi was on the ground! We were all in stitches of laughter until we realised that basically everyone was staring at us. We got up and brushed our clothes then walked of with straight faces.
R: "I have the BEST idea!"
A & L: "yes..."
R: "I'm going to be both of your fashion designer and get you to try on clothes!"
I liked the idea, but Levi didn't so much.
L: "I've done that WAY to much lately! I want to be the stylist for once!"
R: "Okay, okay, we'll both be stylists!"
Levi cheers and claps his hands together.
L: "why don't we put this with this, and these shoes, with this bag, and this hat, with this scarf and these sunglasses. Ok outfit sorted. Let's go to the changing rooms"
"How many items?" The lady at the change rooms says
A: "8 thanks"
We all head in the way of an empty change room until the lady followed us and said:
"Wowowow, no boys in change rooms with girls thankyou"
L: "we are 13 and best friends, it's not like she's stripping entirely naked? And by the way I'm Levi Miller" Levi said in with a sarcastic tone. HA LADY SUCKED IN!
The lady backed down and returned to her counter, looking rather embarrassed.
Levi and Roxie sit on the bench while I change into my outfits. I am wearing a bra and undies, so it's not too bad.
L: "sexy body Amy" Levi says with a smirk
I cover my body and whine "doooonnn'tt". I guess you could call it "sexy" because I am a ballerina and I have pretty solid abs. Roxie jokes and covers his eyes with her hand. Much better.
A: "thankyou!" We giggle and I change into my outfits. I get lots of thumbs up and some thumbs down. I sort out what I want and hang up on the rack what we didn't like. We head to the checkouts and the lady scans all of the items. There are 5 big bags of clothes and the price comes up to $750. WOW. I go to pay, but Levi grabs my wrist and says, "you are joking right?" he grabs out a card that says "model discount- 90% off"
L: "here" Levi hand the card to the lady and she scans it, the price drops down to $75.
A: "wow" I exclaim to myself and Levi stands there looking proud. "Thankyou so much" I say to Levi. He just grabs my hand and says "anytime a". The lady hands us my bags and we go into the next shop.

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