Chapter 29.

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Both our Antigone performances go exceptionally well and everyone does amazingly. Everyone in the audience is crying by the end of each night. Mum and Meg take us out for dinner on Friday and we have a great night!! Saturday comes around and we have a big sleep in.
S: "WAKE UP" she bowls into our room and startles us
We groan and get up out of bed, then we realise that the party is tonight!     
A: "we have a party to get ready!"
I go up to him and grab his hands. Then we dance while holding hands and he twirls me around. I end up in his arms and he kisses me, then I kick my leg up and he holds for our ending pose. That's the sort of stuff we do all the time!!
We get into some plain clothes and head downstairs. Then we have breakfast and start setting up all the party stuff. Mum and Meg are making and cooking all the food. Levi and I are in charge of decorations. We grab the hundreds of metres of party lights and string them around all outside in the patio area. Then we grab the larger 500 metre party lights (which is bloody heavy!) and we string it from poles above the pool, so the pool has party lights all above it (and I mean ALOT of lights!!!). After we finish that, we stream up all the streamers inside and add in some other decorations. It looks amazing!
L: "wow, this looks amazing!"
A: "sure does!" We high five
L: "I think this effort deserves ice cream! Don't you?"
A: "I think so!"
We head down to the ice cream shop and get ice cream. As we are walking we talk about America.
L: "you excited for USA?"
A: "OMG! Yes!! I maybe have internationals first and then TCA???!!"
L: "I'm so proud of you Amy you know that right?"
He puts his arm around my waist and uses his other hand to gently move a hair out of my face.
I look into his blue eyes and smile at him, he smiles back.
A: "I know, and do you know how proud I am of you?"
L: "I think I do"
We walk down to the ice cream shop with our arms around each other. We are so cute! We get ice cream and eat them as we walk home. We are casually walking until I randomly reach in a take a lick of Levi's ice cream. I quickly come back and cheekily grin to pretend nothing happened.
L: "heyyyy I saw that!!"
He scoops in and takes a lick out of mine. I then stick my ice cream up to his face and stick his nose in it. He has a chocolate dot on his nose now!
A: "hehehhe!!"
L: "pay back time!" He says with a cheeky grin and he all of a sudden licks my face
A: "ewwww!!!!!" I wipe the chocolatey saliva off my cheek
L: "serves you right!"
A: "I know, I'm just kidding!"
L: "I know"
We giggle and muck around the whole walk home, when we get home we see a car out the front, then I realise that it is daddy's car!!!!
I sprint up the drive way and run inside, I see dad standing there and I run and jump on him and give him the biggest cuddle. He picks me up and I have my legs around him.
A: "I missed you! Did you hear all the news?"
"I couldn't miss it! I'm so proud of you Amy!! I wouldn't miss it for the world!! You are amazing!! I heard about your boyfriend too!" Dad tries to whisper the end
A: "thankyou for coming! Yes I do, it's Levi, here he is" point to Levi and he waves
L: "hi! I'm Levi Miller, or Peter Pan!"
"Ahh! I thought I recognised you, you are spectacular by the way!" He says to Levi and they shake hands
A: "I think more people are coming!"
L: "let's go get into our bathers, so we are ready!"
A: "good idea!"
Dad put me down and Levi and I rush up to my room. I put on my best Seafolly bikini and a cute boho see through dress thing. I chuck my hair into a messy bun and put on my circle glasses. I come out of my robe and Levi cheers, I twirl around.
L: "very chic! So cute Amy!"
A: "thanks sweetie, you look cool too, let's go down and see who is here!"
We rush downstairs hand in hand and see people swarming through the doors. I can't believe how many people are coming to support Levi and I! There has to be about 50 so far, and it's only been five minutes since it has started. There are heaps of people from school with there parents, neighbours, cousins, teachers and friends! People are giving us presents too! I was not expecting that at all!! I see our gang walk through the the door and Levi and I squeal and run up to them. They all hand us presents and we thank them a lot. We then go hang out with all the hoards of other kids.
***Levi's POV***
Wow this is seriously the biggest party I've ever been too!! There are easily 100-200 people here! Luckily Amy's house has the biggest backyard and a giant pool. There is so much food all over the tables. It is now 8:00 and has been an hour since the party officially started. I swear every year 8 is here right now!! Even the most popular "cool" kids are here! I'm sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet dangling in the edge. I'm waiting for Amy because she's sorting some stuff out inside. A girl walks up to me and sits on the edge. She's wearing a tiny bikini with half her bum and breasts hanging out, yuck.
"Hey" she says
L: "um, hi, what's your name?"
"Melody, You're Levi right? You're so hot!" She starts touching my stomach and makes me feel uncomfortable, I move her hands off and move aside a bit, she just comes closer.
L: "umm, I have a girlfriend, please don't do that"
"She doesn't have to know" she starts coming really close to my face and starts touching me
L: "please stop!" I yell a bit and finally I see Amy coming! Few!
A: "OYY!! Get your hands off him! NOW!"
She jumps up and rushes off, she evil glares at Amy, but who cares!!
A: "Slu*!! What a bi**h! Melody!"
L: "I'm so glad you came!! I was moving away, but she kept getting closer! I'm so glad you're here Amy!!"
She grabs me and kisses me, because it's so busy, no one notices, but I don't care if they do anyway! We go in the pool and interact with everyone, it is seriously so much fun! It turns out that Melody left the party, hah I'm glad, she's an idiot!!
A: "This is great!!" She yells over the loud music and talking
L: "I know right!!"
All the year 8's decide that since the adults are inside, that we should play spin the bottle, kiss version, not a good idea in my opinion, but anyway... we all go in a circle and spin the bottle. Luckily there are so many people that it lasts like a minute, because everyone's arguing over who the bottle is pointed to... So we ended up giving up before we even played, lol.
We have an awesome night and people start heading home at around 12pm. Everyone is gone and out of the house by 1:30, except Roxie, Eilidh, Natasha and Julia, because they are staying over. We have our showers and get into our pyjamas.
E: "that was such a great party!!"
J: "yeah, it sure was, but I'm soo tired now!!"
All: "same!"
A: "why don't we set up the beds now?"
N: "well, I'm happy enough to share a bed?"
L: "yeah same, I'll sleep with Amy"
R: "I'll sleep with Julia and Eilidh and Natasha can sleep together?"
A: "ok I'll go get a mattress"
Amy goes out of the room to get a mattress, right as she leaves the door all the girls rush up to me and start asking a zillion questions:
J: "Have you kissed her?"
E: "How much do you love her?"
N: "have you see her naked?"
R: "Are you going to marry her??!"
L: "wow, wow, wow, yes, a lot, NO!, hopefully yeah!"
All the girls squeal and jump up and down. They are crazy kids!! I see Amy struggling to carry a double sized mattress up the stairs, we all run up to her and help bring the mattress up into the middle of the floor. Roxie and Julia jump onto the bed we made on the bed and Natasha and Eilidh get onto my bed. Amy and I sleep in her bed. We muck around for a while and talked about America and the party (which is all over the Internet) and about fame and heaps more! It sure was a great night with great people (minus Melody)! We all say goodnight and fall asleep.

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