Chapter 18.

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We hung around at the park for a bit and went back to my house, my mum already knew about meeting Levi and everything that Roxie, him and I have done (except for the kiss😊).
We decided that we were going to sleepover at my house tonight. We pick up all our stuff from Roxie's and then walk around the corner to my house.
L: "I'm so excited to see your house!!" He jumps up.
R: "it's REALLY nice! Two stories!! Amy's bedroom is actually the third story!! It has a nice window seat and a bathroom and everything!!! Even a mini kitchen!"
L: "WOW! I'm famous and I don't even have that!!"
I punched Levi in the arm in a joke way and he pinched my cheek. We reach my house and I knock on the door, we are greeted by my mum.
(P= Paris, Amy's mum)
P: "hi love! How have you been? Hi Levi! Amy really loves you!" She shakes his hand.
"Muuuummm!!!" I groan and slap her softly on the arm.
L: "it's ok!! I know!"
We walk through the door and walk up to my room. Levi awes as he is walking through the house.
A: "just dump your stuff anywhere! Make yourselves at home!"
L: "wow! This is so nice!! I wish that mum and I were staying somewhere like this! Our hotel is sh**!!"
A: "oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!" I was jumping and running around my room:
"Why don't you and your mum stay at our house!!! We have spare bedrooms and you can stay in my room!! Or in your own room if you want!!!!"
I was running around and Levi started jumping up and down too!!!!!
L: "yes yes yes yes yes!!!!"
We were all jumping around now! We run downstairs and ask mum.
P: "of course! We have plenty of room here! When would you like to move in?"
L: "anytime suits us. Whenever you're ready. Would you like to give me Mum's number?"
P: "please Levi, what's Meg's number?"
Levi says her number and mum calls Meg. They talk for ages and Meg decides it's a good idea for them to move in temporarily until they can find a house! Yay!! We go back upstairs and sit on my couch.
Roxie's phone rings and she answers:
"Hi mum, I'm at Amy's house now"
"What? No!"
"But I don't want to go!"
"Seriously! Why do I have to go?"
"K bye"
She shoves down her phone.
R: "mum has to pick me up now because my cousins are over and we are going out to dinner"
L & A: "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
Levi and I jump onto Amy and hug her from either sides.
A: "Why do you have to go?"
L: "I know!"
R: "it sucks!"
Roxie's mum comes and she has to leave, we hug her a lot and wave goodbye, we also find out that we can't spend the day with her tomorrow because she has to spend it with her cousins, because it is their last day in Australia (Roxie's family is Italian, so her cousins are from Italy).
A: "well I guess it's just you and me now Levi"
We walk up to my bedroom.
L: "I miss Roxie already! It's not the same without her!"
A: "I know right! Why don't we move up one of the beds from the spare room into my room! We can put it there!" I point to a part of my room that is bare.
L: "yeah!! Let's do that!"
We run back to the second floor and pick up the extremely heavy double bed. We struggle and take it up the stairs to my room. Then we put it next to my bed side table and flop down on it.
We are both puffing and lying flat on our backs.
L: "that was really hard!" Levi says between puffs.
I nod.
A: "do you want me to give me a tour of the house?"
L: "sure!" We jump up off the bed.
A: "ok first my bedroom! Ok here is my bed, my nightstand and your bed. There is the window above our beds (it's a huge window that has a view of the ocean), ok then we come over here and there is my desk, my Mac and over there is my reading stool. Ok over here is my ensuite bathroom and my walk in robe. Then through this door is my dancing studio! I spend most of my time in here. Then over here is my mini kitchen. It has a fridge, bench, microwave and kettle. There is some food in the fridge and hot chocolate. So help yourself. My couch is over there and my tv there, so watch whatever you want. I have Foxtel. Let's go downstairs now!!"
L: "your room is like a whole house!!"
A: "hehe I know! Ok down here is my sister Lucy's room, she is 4. She's at her friends house right now. Here is the kids room, there's a tv and stuff. There is a bathroom and a few bedrooms, dads office is down here too. Ok downstairs is Mum and Dads room. Over here is the kitchen and there is the family bathroom, here is the living room and dining room. Here is the bedroom your mum will probably stay in, it has a walk in robe and ensuite bathroom. Mums office is in there. Ok then here's the theatre room, it's pretty cool! And that's my house, though there is our pool!"
L: "OMG CAN WE GO IN??????!!"
A: "of course!!"
L: "yay!!! Oh by the way, where will I put all my stuff?"
A: "what ya talking about Levi? We have like 200,000 bedrooms! You can have a whole room for your stuff! All the rooms have massive built in robes, or walk in robes!"
L: "ok cool! Let's go in the pool!"
We go upstairs and get changed into our bathers.
A: "MUUUMM! We're going in the pool!"
P: "ookkaaay! I'll make dinner now, Spaghetti Bolognese okay?"
L & A: "great thanks!"
We run outside and jump in the pool. I jump onto my blow up donut and Levi gets onto the blow up pizza.
L: "Amy, are you rich?'
A: "well, no, I mean, um, I wouldn't like to say rich, but I guess we have a bit of money. Mum doesn't spoil me though! She works from home, as an accountant.
L: "yeah, hey Amy, does your mum mind you having a boyfriend?"
A: "um, I've never really asked her, but she knows I'm responsible, so she wouldn't mind I'm sure. As long as we don't do anything and that I'm focusing on my school, she's fine. Oh and as long as he's nice! Like you!"
L: "hahaha yeah"
He looks at his hand and twiddles his thumb. I don't really know if Levi and I are going out yet, we kissed and said we liked each other and stuff, but I don't think we really are going out yet though. I like being friends at the moment now.
A: "I basically just remembered that I'm famous!! I completely forgot!"
L: "Hahahah!!! Yeah! Can you believe it was only yesterday that we met!! It feels like we've known each other for years!" (A/N it's such a long story and it's only been two days!! It will start going quicker soon!)
A: "I know right!!! I can't believe that you're going to be LIVING with me!!!! I've always wanted to live with my best friend!!"
L: "I know right!!! Same!!!!!!!!"
We muck around in the pool until mum calls us for dinner. We climbed out and dried off. Mum cooked dinner on the outdoor kitchen, so we will be eating dinner outside. Lucy had come home from her play and came outside to meet Levi.
(S=Sister, Lucy, Amy's sister, 4 years old)
S: "you're Peter Pan!"
She gave Levi a hug and told him that I always go on about him and how much I love him. Sisters!!
P: "dinner is served!"
Mum places the food on the table. We start to eat and I realise that someone is missing.
A: "where's dad?"
P: "he had to go to the court tonight, a major case"
My dad is a lawyer if you were wondering.
A: "oh ok!"
We eat our food and Levi and I go up and have our showers. Levi goes into his bathroom and I go to my ensuite. I put on my pyjamas and come into my bedroom. I see Levi sitting on the couch.
A: "do you know when your mum is moving in?"
I went and sat next to him on the couch.
L: "yeah, tomorrow morning at 10:00am. Your mum told me"
A: "awesome! Close your eyes!!" 
Levi closes his eyes and I jump around my room. I turn on my party lights that go around my bedroom, my paper lanterns, the lights above my desk and my lamps. My room at night looks amazing! I love it!
A: "ok open"
He opens his eyes and gasps.
L: "wow! This is amazing!! I bet Lucy is jealous!"
A: "thanks! Mmm she is a bit. But her room is big and cute"
L: "yeah"
A: "why don't we watch a movie? What about Pan!!!"
L: "ok!!"
I hop onto the couch next to Levi and we snuggle up together. I throw the rug on top of us and I turn on the movie. I lay my head in Levi's chest and he rests his head on my head. We watch the movie before deciding to go to bed, it was 11:00pm. Levi kissed my head and carried me onto my bed.
A: "night night"
I gave him a kiss and he climbed into his bed.
L: "night night, love you always"
A: "love you forever"
Then I fell into a beautiful deep sleep.

I'll update again soon!! Xoxoxo X

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