Chapter 16. Back to Amy

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***back to Amy now***
I did not know what happened before! It was so weird! I'm so extremely and totally scared of spiders, like so terrified. That was so sweet that Levi carried me home!! He is the cutest thing ever! Love him to bits as a friend!! Just maybe not in a relationship way, or maybe I do feel that way about him. Whatever I decide, it's not going to interfere with my schoolwork!! I'm am a goodie- two- shoes at school, I am always doing homework or studying and am NEVER talking in class! Straight 'A' student.
Levi, Roxie and I are walking down to get ice cream. I am on Levi's back because I couldn't be bothered walking! Ha! I'm leaning forward over Levi's shoulder so that my chin is rested on his shoulder.
A: "you know Levi, you're the first really good guy friend I've ever had"
R: "it's true! She thinks boys are yucky!"
A: "well they are! They have boy germs!!"
R: "how old are you again?"
A: "I'm thirteen!!"
L: "boys are gross ha?"
A: "YES!! But you're the only exception! I'm friends with all the guys at school, but not interested in relationships with them"
L: "fair enough"
A: "you should feel very special Levi" I lean forward and brush one of his curls out of his face
L: "trust me, I do" Levi says that in a funny sarcastic voice
We arrive at the ice- creamery and buy our ice cream. I choose chocolate caramel, Levi chose chocolate and Roxie chose raspberry sorbet. We take our ice cream out the front and sit on the lawn. Levi is sitting with his legs out in front and I am laying with my head rested on his stomach. We are all wearing sunglasses, so we are not recognisable, until, a bunch of random girls that look about 11 years old come up to us.
"O h   m y   gosh!! Is that Levi Miller?????" The first girl says
"And that's Amy and Roxie!!!?" The next girl says
L, A & R: "hey!" We say in a cool voice
L: "do you girls want some autographs?"
"Yes please!!" They all squeal and run over to us.
"It is such an honour to meet all of you!!" One of the girls says
"We love your work Levi, and we love watching you girls on YouTube!!" Another girl says
We give them all our autographs, I actually can't believe that they wanted Roxie and my autograph too! I never thought that would happen, never in a million years!!
"Thankyou!! Bye!" The girls chant and they run away all chattering to each other.
A: "I NEVER thought ANYONE would EVER ask for my autograph!!!" I say emphasising the words.
R: "I know right! Me neither!!"
L: "those girls were sweet, not as sweet as you guys! You're my favourite fan Amy, you too Roxie!"
Levi pats and plays with my hair, his soft hand touches my face, it sends chills up my spine, but I think I like it.
A: "oooo!!! Oooo!! Can I give you a piggy back on the way back Levi?"
L: "Mmm... Ok then!"
Levi hops on my back, he's super light!
A: "wow, you're so light, well you are very skinny!!" I pat Levi's skinny legs and he laughs.
L: "says you!"
A: "pfft! Whatever, look at Roxie! She's like a twig!"
R: "no I'm not! I'm fat!!"
A & L: "No you're not!!!" Levi and I both chant at the same time.
We continue walking and Levi and I swap spots, I am now on his back.
L: "why don't we play best"
R: "what's that?"
L: "so one person says, best something and we all have to say the best whatever"
A: "ok, I'll start! Best feature of each other!"
R: "best feature of Amy is her beautiful golden auburn hair, it's so pretty and long and thick! And best part of Levi is his eyes, they are so beautiful and blue!"
A & L: "thanks Rox!"
L: "ok best feature of Roxie is your eyelashes, because they are really nice and dark and long. And Amy your best feature is your lips, I just like them, the colour, size and everything- they are perfect too!"
R & A: "thankyou!!" Roxie hugs Levi from the side and I hug him from the back, because I'm on his back.
We continue to play the game until we get to a park. It's another one of Roxie and my favourites. It's a nature playground. It is covered with trees and native Australian plants. There are logs everywhere and cool play equipment.
L: "I like this! It's so cool here!"
R: "yeah, we'll show you Amy and my special log, come this way"
Roxie grabs Levi's arm, because I'm still on his back until we reach our special area. What it is, it's a massive tree with a carving out of it, so you can climb into the tree and sit in there. It is facing back to the park, so no one really goes in it. I hop off Levi's back and we climb into the tree.
A: "here we are!"
L: "wow cool! It's so nice and cosy"
R: "I know right! Amy and I are always discovering cool hidden hidey- holes"
L: "Oooo!!! Why don't we discover one today!!"
A: "yeah! We'll go round to some of the parks and find one!"
R: "yeah!! Let's go and find one"
We climb out of the tree and dust ourselves off. We head towards some of the parks that we never really go to.
L: "hey look behind there"
Levi points to a bush and we run over there. Nothing. Just a plain old bush. Darn it.
R: "ok next park"
We head to the next park that is crowded with people. It's actually more an oval. It's the sports oval, but it has some play equipment and bush aswell.
A: "hey guys, come over here, I think I found something" I wave my hand for them to come here, they run over.
"Look" I say and point to it.
R: "oh my gosh! That is beautiful!"
L: "wow! Score Amy!" He gives me a high five.
It is a really amazing willow tree, that's beaches and leaves are hanging down to the ground. They cover the whole inside of the tree. When you move them out of the way, it is magical. No one can see in and you can't see in. It's like a fountain dome!! It's amazing!

A/N: picture at top is of the tree that they found ☺️☺️

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