Chapter 20. Levi's POV

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***Levi's POV***
"I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything" I'm pacing back and forwards in Amy's bathroom. I'm so embarrassed right now! Luckily she covered it quickly and I didn't see anything, also because she's so skinny, she doesn't really have any chest yet, she's very flat chested. She's so beautiful, I love her. She's also amazingly talented!! I was sitting on the edge of the bath when I heard knocking on the bathroom door:
A: "Levi! I'm ready, can I come in"
I open the door and Amy walks in, she shuts the door behind her.
L: "hey, umm, uh, sorry about before..." I looked at my feet.
She put her hands under my chin and lifted my head up, she held my head in her hands:
A: "don't worry Levi!"
She kisses my lips,
"You didn't see anything anyway! Don't be embarrassed!"
She softly smacks my left cheek and grabs my hand.
A: "let's go into the pool now!"
She smiles at me and pulls me out into her room and down the stairs.
M: "you love birds going into the pool"
L: "yes mum! How's the unpacking going?"
M: "great love, what about you?"
L: "we've decorated our books and have our bags packed for school tomorrow! Amy helped me unpack my things into a spare room with an ensuite and built in robe"
M: "where are you sleeping dear?"
L: "oh! I thought I told you, Amy and I dragged up the bed from the spare room all my stuff is in and put it in her room! Have you seen her room?"
M: "ok love, no I haven't yet, you'll have to show me later lovey! Now go swim!!"
A: "I'll show you tonight Ms. Miller!"
M: "call me Meg, Amy"
Amy nods and we run outside hand in hand, then we run straight and jump into the pool! We jump onto our blow up pizza and donuts and just relax. Amy looks gorgeous! She's so perfect in every way, from her golden orange hair, to her cute eyes and lips, to her abs to her angelic singing voice. She's my baby!
It's 5:30pm and Amy decides to get out of the pool and sun bake on a deck chair. I follow her and sit/lay down on the deck chair next to her, under the umbrella. We hold hands and lay in silence. She pulls her glasses up onto her head and looks at me:
A: "should we go and have showers now? We do have school tomorrow"
L: "yeah, it's about 6:00pm"
We go inside and go into our separate bathrooms to take showers. I always finish showering first, so I just go up into her room and sit on her couch.
A: "hey wanna cuddle?" Amy looks at me with big puppy eyes and she pouts her lips, damn! She looks so cute!
L: "come here you!! You're so darn cute!"
Amy comes and sits next to me on the couch. She snuggles into my lap and I play with her hair.
A: "how are you so perfect Levi?"
L: "Me? I'm no where near perfect! You're the perfect one!! How are you so perfect?"
A: "you are perfect in every single way! I'm not!"
Why does she always doubt herself like this!? She's amazing!
*knock knock knock*
Amy hops off the couch and answers the door.
A: "NATATSHA!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Amy screams and jumps onto the girl standing in the door.
(N=Natasha, Amy's friend)
N: "hey!!!!! your mum invited mum and I over for dinner!!"
A: "yay!!!!!"
N: "who's car is that outside?" She whispers, but I hear her.
A: "oh yeah, Levi Miller is living with me!"
N: "like, The Levi Miller, the Peter Pan?"
A: "yeah, he's here and he's actually my boyfriend" she points over to me at the couch.
Natasha and Amy walk over to where I'm sitting and it's obvious she's a fan.
N: "oh my gosh, I'm Natasha, I'm Amy's friends and I can't believe you're living with her! And she's your girlfriend! Wow!"
L: "hey Natasha, nice to meet you, I'm coming to your school, I love Amy!" I grab Amy's hand and kiss it.
A: "I think Mum's calling us for dinner! Let's go and eat!"
I grab Amy's hand and we all walk down the stairs. Natasha seems like a nice person, but no one will ever be as beautiful and perfect as Amy!

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