Chapter 34.

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I finally realise who just said that and I start screaming!
A: "OH MY GOSH ITS ABBY LEE MILLER!!!!! ABBY LEE MILLER HAS JUST WALKED INTO MY DANCE REHEARSAL!!!!!!" I run over to her and give her a huge hug.
"Rebecca called me up and asked if I could come and give you a private before the competition, she told me you were going for international teen dancer of the year, you'll be up against my Maddie, she won national for America" she exclaims
"This chickadee won national for Australia, wells leave you two to it and see you in an hour" Rebecca says while everybody exits the door.
"Ok, let's see this dance" she claps and sits down on the chair and starts up the music  I dance really good so I can prove how good I am to her, nearly as good as I'll do it at the competition.
When I finish dancing I exit the "stage" how I would when I'm up there and she stands up and claps.
"That was very good, but there is just one part, where you do the develope turn sequence" she points to the right side of the room where I do it.
I go to where I do the part and it is a develope and then I hold my leg and turn. I aerial out of it and onto the floor, which is where I was going wrong.
A: "was that better?" I ask after doing it a fourth time.
"Yes, much better!" She replies, "Come over here Amy, I want to talk to you" she waves her hand towards me.
A: "Yes, Miss Abby" I sit down on the stool next to her
"How would you feel about moving over to LA dance professionally, full time for my elite team? Also paid dancing" she put her hands on my knees, I am gobsmacked and I don't know what to do or say, I mean, ABBY LEE JUST ASKED ME TO DANCE FOR HER!??!
A: "R-r-really? Do you mean with Maddie and Kendall and Nia and everyone?"
"Yes, and travel around the country and world to do professional work?" She adds on
A: "I would love to!!" I start to cry tears of happiness and she takes me in for a big hug.
Once Abby has finished telling me all the news I run up and tell everyone.
P: "OH MY GOSH!!!! Ahhhh I'm so excited!!!"
"I knew she would come to her senses!!! Woohoo!!" Rebecca gives me a huge high five and takes me in for a hug. I run to my room and see Levi sitting waiting on the bed.
L: "I have some news Amy, and it's not the best" he twiddles his thumb and looks at my feet.
A: "What is it?" I worriedly ask and sit next to him. I place my hand on his.
L: "well, you see, I, I have been asked, umm, I got a role in a big up-coming movie, and starting from next week, I have to start shooting and it's here, in LA- and filming goes for 6 months and we have to stay" he bursts into tears and sobs, I think he's confused to why I'm not sad.
A: "OMG that's so great!!! Yay!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!"
L: "yeah, but aren't you sad we won't see each other for ages?"
A: "no...."
L: "Why?"
L: "ah ah ah OML OML!!!!!! WE WILL BE STAYING TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!" He is jumping up and down and running around, we are hugging and jumping.
A: "IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!"
We dance around and hear knocking at he door, I open it and it's Rebecca, just what I expected.
"What's all the noise?"
L & A: "LEVI HAD TO, AMY HAD TO STAY IN LA, TO DANCE FULL TIME, TO SHOOT A MOVIE, AND WE DONT HAVE TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!" we scream at the same time muddling up everything.
"Ok, I think I get it!! That's great!!! I'm so proud of both of you! But competition is in 1/2 an hour, so let's get ready!" She comes into my room.
We go into the bathroom and I have on my competition crop and shorts over my stirrup stockings. I put on a robe and my Bloch boot slippers. Rebecca does my hair and makeup and we put in my silver diamond earrings. We get my rolling makeup mirror, dream duffel, dance bag and costume bag and catch a bus cab to the competition. When we get there we meet up with Abby, Maddie and Melissa and we find out we are sharing a dressing room. Levi and Maddie give each other a friendly hug (because they are friends) and Levi gives me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek before going into the auditorium.
L: "Amy I love you lots, take in your ring and you'll do amazing! Just dance from your heart, you can win this!" He whispers in my ear so Maddie cannot hear.
We say goodbye and he says "good luck" to Maddie aswell. Him and meg leave to go and get ready in their seats and Abby, Rebecca, Melissa, Mum, Maddie and I all get set up in our dressing room.
A: "I'm actually so excited to meet you! You're my inspiration!!" I give her a hug
"Aw really, that's kind of you! I always look at you on Instagram, I love your YouTube with Roxie! I am such a huge fan of you aswell!!" She says
A: "oh my gosh really? Thankyou! Has Abby told you I'll be dancing with you in the team?"
"Yeah she has, I can't wait, congratulations!! What style is your dance?" She asks me
A: "Contemporary, to 'I Believe' by Christina Perri, what about you?"
"Mines lyrical to 'Lost and Found' by Cat Alexis (A/N lol that's not real)" Maddie replies
"Guys you have 20 minutes until it's your category!! GET IN YOUR COSTUMES!!!" She basically does her Abby scream at us, it's kind of scary!!
Maddie and I rush and get our costumes on. They are really pretty- hers is navy blue and gold and mine is silver and white. Hers is short with a skirt that splits on the right and mine has leotard at the front with a long white with silver embroidered tail on the back. Our costumes are absolutely stunning! We put on our Capezio half-soles and get ready to go backstage.
"I'm sooo nervous!!" Maddie says. I didn't think she got nervous lol!
A: "oh my gosh same!"
It goes me then someone then Maddie. All of a sudden I hear the announcer announcing my name.
"Number 576 representing Australia for international teen dancer of the year, give it up for Amy Ross with I Believe!" I hear a roar in the audience and I do my entry onto the stage. I roll onto my hip bone and pause. The music starts-
I believe if I knew where I was going I'd lose my way, I believe that the words that I told you are not ok, I know that my heart is still beating, beating darling....
And I've been where you are before, and I've felt the pain of losing who you are....
This is not the end of me, this is the beginning, whoa oh....
This is not the end of me, this is the beginning!
I exit the stage with my walk and hear the audience scream, they all stand up and cheer and cheer!! Maddie hugs me and so does Rebecca they are all screaming at me about how amazing I was. Rebecca and I are crying and I can see that people in the audience are aswell. Wow, did I really move that many people?
Awards come along again and my heart is thumping out of my chest. This is it, this is the final moment, the moment I've been waiting for since I came out of my Mum's stomach. This is it.
"Ookk!! And the moment you've all been waiting for... The International teen dancer of the year!! 2nd runner up goes to Chloe East *cheering*, Runner up International teen dancer of the year goes to Miss Maddie Ziegler with Lost and found!" Maddie gets her sash and crown as well as a huge trophy and other goodies.
Damn that really sucks I didn't place, there's no way I could've gotten first I mean come on. Maddie holds my hand and keeps repeating: "you did it! You won!"
"And the international dancer of the year goes to....... Number 576 Miss AMY ROSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"YOU DID IT!!! Go and get your awards" Maddie and everyone screams
A: "huh? What??"
"You won!!" Maddie yells over all the cheering
A: "OMG HAHAHAHAHAH" I jump up and start crying and screaming and jumping up and down in my Bloch boot slippers.
"Congratulations Amy, you danced amazing! Would you like to say anything to anyone? He hands me the microphone, again I do my thankyou's:
"Well, I would like to thank my mum for always supporting me to get where I am now, she has just done so much for me and I love her so much!! All my friends back home down under. I would also like to thank Levi, my amazing boyfriend for helping to get where I am now and his beautiful mum Meg who has also helped me and mum, Levi will be in a movie later next year so watch out for him. I would like to say my biggest thankyou to Rebecca Davie, my amazing teacher that I have been with since I could crawl, she is my dance teacher, my inspiration, my second mum and most importantly my best friend and I could have done any of it without her. Unfortunately after this, I will be leaving her and battling the big bad world myself, I am going to be dancing full time for the Abby Lee Dance Company. Thankyou so much for all your votes for the TCA's and we'll see you all there!" I conclude my speech and cry, everyone in the audience, on the stage and off the stage are crying. Tears of happiness not sadness.


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