Chapter 9.

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R: "what pizza should we get?"
We just got home and we are looking at the menu for Papparias Pizza.
L: "what about a supreme?"
A: "yum!! That's Roxie and my favourite!"
R: "so what about a supreme, Hawaiian and vegetarian?"
A: "sounds good to me!"
We call up the pizza place and order our pizza, then we go and take showers and get into some clothes. It's so hot outside, so we sit on the hammocks and wait for our pizza to come.
L: "I'm so happy I met you girls, you guys are the best"
A: "Naww Thankyou Levi! I dreamed of meeting you and I can't believe we are actually best friends now!! It feels so weird! The only bad thing is, school starts in 3 days" I run my fingers through his hair and then I scruff it all up.
R: "urgh don't even talk about school!!!"
L: "we all better be in the same classes, other wise I will literally kill someone!"
We all nod our heads in agreement and then we hear a knock on the front door. We all yell "PIZZA!" and run to the front door. Roxie grabs the money that her mum left and we pay the delivery guy. He hands us our pizza and the smell of deliciousness swarms through the house. We go back outside and lay our pizzas out on the table.
L: "this is so good!"
R: "I know right! So good" she put her pointer finger and thumb together
When we finish eating what we could from the pizza, we put the leftovers in the fridge.
A: "oooo!! Roxie, do you have ice cream, chocolate milk, cream and chocolate syrup. Oh and ice?"
R: "yeah we do, why?"
A: "I'm going to make us all frappes!!"
R & L: "Yay!! Yum!"
I whizz up the chocolate milk, ice and ice cream, then pour that into three large café classes. I then spray the cream on top and drizzle chocolate sauce over it. Yum. (A/N my favourite frappe recipe 😂🙌🏻)
I hand the out and we drink them with cool metal straws.
L: "this is amazing Amy!!"
R: "yeah, what the heck it's like the best thing I've ever tasted!!"
We drink our frappes and then go and lay on the hammocks again.
L: "let's play a game"
A: "ok, what game?"
R: "what about Truth, Rate, Rather, Dare?"
A: "okay!! I'll go first, TRRD Levi"
L: "Rate"
A: "ok, rate me out of prettiness"
L: "hmmm 1 out of 10, nah joking!! you are literally one of the prettiest girls I've ever met definitely 10 out of 10"
I was gobsmacked!
A: "thankyou!!!!"
L: "Roxie TRRD?"
R: "hmmm, dare!"
L: "I dare you to post a picture up of you and I saying, 'this guy rocks, he is the best!! Go follow him @levizmiller ❤️❤️❤️❤️'
R: "ok! Easy!!"
Roxie proceeds to do the dare and literally gets like 1000 likes in a minute!!
R: "wow that was fast!! My turn! Amy TRRD?"
A: "rather"
R: "ok, would you rather French kiss Levi or eat a slug"
I turn my nose up to both of these comments, Roxie is always so gross! I'm not the girl that is into boys I basically think boys are gross and have germs, the only exception is Levi, he is amazing.
A: "I really don't know, my turn TRRD Levi" I say that really fast so that Roxie can't tell me off.
L: "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm truth"
R: "oh oh oh I have a good one!!!" Roxie's whispers it into my ear and I slap her across the face.
A: "Roxie that's disgusting!!!!!!! Any way, I've got one"
L: "yeah what is it?"
A: "at school, are you going to hang around with us, or the other popular people that might try to reel you in?"
L: "you, definitely you guys!"

Thankyou for all your comments! I'm glad to see that you're enjoying my Fanfictions! Please vote! Follow my Instagram fanpage- @/levimilerr (I'm very creative 😂) stay awesome!! Bye! ⭐️💘

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