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I looked at his locker wishing he was here. "Heaven, c'mon it's been like what? Almost 2 years since he left? Why do you keep on hoping that he's coming back?" I heard Alice ask.

I sighed and closed my locker before looking at her. "He promised." I told her as we started walking to our class. "In the end promises are just words." Alice said. "Justin never breaks his promises." "Everyone breaks at least one promise." "Alice, Justin was my boyfriend. My world. Heck. He still means everything to me. I'm sure he'll come back." "He's the one who stopped calling and texting you." She reminded me.

Yeah, I have to admit. Justin stopped calling me. I don't know why though. I think he changed his number 'cause every time I call him it says the number doesn't exist. "I know." I sighed, sitting down. "Hey babe. What's wrong?" Drew, the biggest player of school, asked. I sighed once again and turned around since he was sitting behind me. "First of all, I am not your babe. Never will be. Secondly, none of your business." I hissed, glaring at him. "Feisty. I like that." He winked.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I hate him so much. He moved here the summer Justin left. He moved in the house Justin used to live in. So that makes him my neighbor. He's only been here for one year and he's the biggest player ever. He thinks he can get any girl. No, he just "dates" you for a week, not even, and then he dumps you like trash. I don't want anything to do with him.

The day went by pretty slow like every day. Since Justin left, something in me left as well. Something I need to be happy. Every day when I walk to school and back home I pass the lake where I saw Justin for the first time. Where I spoke to Justin for the first time. I sighed as I felt tears forming in my eyes. I wiped them away and walked home. I need to move on, but I can't. I just can't. Justin means everything to me. I will never get over him.

"How was school?" Mom asked as I sat down on the couch. "Boring." I mumbled. I heard mom sigh. "I know you miss him, but can you at least try to be happy. I can't even remember the last time I saw you smile." She said. I looked at her. "I can't be happy if the one who makes me laugh, smile and so damn happy isn't here." I snapped before running upstairs to my room. I laid on my bed and just let the tears fall. I would do anything to get Justin back. Really. Anything.

I need him.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now