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Drew and I are at the zoo. Yes, the zoo. I'm not complaining though. Right now anything can take my mind of Justin and I'd rather be here than in boring class.

"Doesn't that monkey look exactly like you, Drew?" I smirked. "Wow. You are so funny. I'm dying of laughter. If I look like that it means you look like me." He replied. "Nah. I'm a koala." I said. "Are you calling yourself cute?" Drew asked as we continued walking. "Yes. Yes I am. Koalas are so cute and adorable and small." "I know right? They're my favorite animal." He told me. "You serious? Mine too!" I yelled.

Drew just laughed at me. The rest of the day we spent at the zoo and I have to say I had a lot of fun. I misjudged Drew. He's actually really sweet and not the jerk I thought he was. Today I saw a different side of him. The side everyone should see.

"Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun." I said as we got out the car. "Yeah me too." Drew smiled. "Oh and thank you for the ride to school this morning." "No problem." I said. "I should go inside. Want to come?" I asked. "I want to, but my mom would kill me. He said. "Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow. "Yeah see you tomorrow."

I unlocked the door and walked in. "Mom, I'm home." I shouted. "Why weren't you at school today?" She asked kind of angry. "What? I was at school." I argued. "That's not what your school said." "Okay. Fine. I skipped the two last classes. But so what? I was with a friend. He noticed how sad and down I was and he took me to the zoo. And guess what mom? I'm glad I skipped, because I had so much fun. I didn't even think once about him. I was happy." I told her before going to my room.

Mom yelled after me, but I just ignored her. I sighed and started doing my homework. Why do we need to learn this stuff? My phone started ringing. Who's bothering me now? I answered, not looking who was calling me. "Hello." I said. "Heaven, where were you today after lunch?"


"I was at the zoo with Drew." I told her. "You were what?!" She almost yelled. "I was at the zo-" "Yeah I heard you. But why were you at the zoo with him?" She asked. "He wanted to cheer me up. Is it that bad?" "Not really. But just be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt." "Don't worry about me." "If you say so." "Heaven, someone is here for you. I would hurry if I were you." I heard mom yell. "Alice, I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I said. "Okay. Bye." She said.

I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. I wonder who's here to see me. I walked down the stairs and I heard 3 voices. One was my mom's. The other one was familiar and the other one wasn't familiar at all. I walked into the living room and I couldn't believe my eyes. On my couch was sitting



The guy in the picture is Drew btw.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now