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"Why won't she believe me? I'm her boyfriend." Justin asked me for like 10th time. "Because she has known that bitch longer than you." I said in a duh voice. He gave me a look. "What? You know that's true. But don't worry. I believe you." I told him. "I know, but Heaven needs to believe me." He sighed laying down in my bed. "So what are you going to do?" "I honestly have no idea."

I actually feel bad for Justin. I mean Heaven was the first one he really trusted and who believed in him. I'm not afraid to say that she saved his life. It's been a few days since Charlotte kissed Justin. I swear I'm going to kill that bitch when I see her. Justin has been spending a lot of time at my house lately. It's not that I don't like it. It's just that I like him. But I know we're better of as best friends like we are now. And I know he's happy with Heaven. He deserves to be happy. This will be my little secret.

"Are you okay?" "Huh? What?" "It seemed like you were in deep thoughts." He said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I assured him. The doorbell rang making me groan. "Who loves to bother me now?" I mumbled. But I think Justin heard me since he chuckled. He's so cute. "Be right back." I said and went downstairs to open the door. 

"Hey." Heaven said when I opened the door. "Hi?" "What are you doing here?" I asked, letting her in. I'm actually mad at her, but she doesn't even realize it. "I want to talk to you." "About?" "Justin and Charlotte." "Justin is innocent and Charlotte is guilty." "But you don't know what happened." She argued. "Oh but I do know what happened. You are the one who doesn't want to believe the truth." "What do you mean?" she asked confused. "Justin told you the truth. Charlotte has been lying to you the whole time she's been here." "Don't talk about my best friend like that." She shot back. Okay that actually hurt. "So she's still your best friend? Even after kissing your boyfriend?" "Charlotte said he kissed her." Heaven defended that bitch. "What the fuck did I just tell you? Charlotte is lying!" I yelled. Can't help it. I'm losing my temper. "How do you know?" She asked. "Because Heaven, unlike you I do see the bad in people as well. Not just the good. Charlotte threatened to hurt you if he didn't stay away from you. He was protecting you! And her parents aren't treating her bad. I heard her talking to her mom on the phone the other day. Justin isn't the bad guy in this. Charlotte is." I told her. "Is that what Justin told you?" "Yes." "And you believe him?" She asked kinda shocked. "Yes, I do believe him because you are dumb to see that she's breaking up our friendship!" I yelled. 

She looked hurt and scared. Can't blame her. She has never seen me like this before. She shook her head. "Charlotte is right. You two really do hate her." She said. Wait! What? What did I just hear?! "Get out now!" I screamed at her. "Leave!" I yelled. She walked to the door and opened it, but before she closes it I said;

"Don't come running back when she leaves you all alone. You were the one who didn't trust and believe us when we were speaking the truth in the first place."

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now