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My best friend and MY boyfriend were kissing. Tears formed in my eyes. They pulled back and Justin's eyes widened when he saw me. "How could you? Both of you?" I snapped. "This isn't what it looks like Heaven. I swear." Justin defended himself. "Then what does it look like? Not my boyfriend and best friend kissing? Oh wait. I mean EX boyfriend and EX best friend." I told them. "She kissed me, Heaven. Please you have to believe me." "What!?" Charlotte yelled. "Justin kissed me. I didn't kiss him. I would never do that to you. You know that." I looked at both of them. Charlotte spoke again. "Do you believe your best friend who you have known since we were five years old or your boyfriend who forgot about you?" She asked.

I looked at Justin. Tears were in his eyes just like mine. "I don't know who or what to believe." I said and walked out his room. Tears started to stream down my face as I walked down the stairs. "Heaven, are you okay?" Jeremy asked. "No, I'm not. Can you please take me home? I don't feel like walking." "Yeah sure. Let's go."

The car ride was silent. Jeremy understood I didn't want to talk. I just can't believe they would do that to me. And I honestly don't know who to believe. I mean I've known Charlotte basically my whole life. She has never lied to me before except if it was about my birthday or Christmas present. But other then that, she has never lied to me before so why would she do it now? Justin has never lied to me either I think. But he broke his promises once. I just have to think about this and talk to mom and Alice.


"This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" I asked really hurt about what just had happened. "Oh cute and smart." Charlotte said. "Heaven will believe me." I told her. "Do you honestly think that? Do you honestly think she would believe her boyfriend over her best friend who she has known her whole life? Think again. You lost her. And I have her back." She smirked and then walked out my room.

I should have told Heaven about this when it started. Charlotte threated me for the past week. She would tell me if I didn't stay away from Heaven she would hurt her. I couldn't let that happen, could I? Charlotte stood in my room all of sudden. She probably knew that Heaven was going to come by and when we heard footsteps on the stairs she kissed me. I tried to push her away, but that didn't work out. I really hope Heaven believes me, because I have no idea what I would do without her.

I love her so much.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now