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Something's wrong and I don't know what. I've been with Drew for like almost three months now. But he acts really weird sometimes. And above that Justin is also jealous, because I spent more time with Drew than with him. Alice is mad at me, because every time we plan to hang out Drew wants to take me out. My friendships are falling apart. I haven't seen my dad in three weeks. I haven't heard anything from Charlotte since the last time I called her which was two weeks ago. It seems like my world is falling apart and I don't know how to stop it.

"Hey, you alright babe?" Drew asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I replied, looking at him. "Because you were staring at the water." "I'm fine. Don't worry." I assured him. Then I realized something. "How did you find me? Did you follow me?" "Your mom told me you were here since I couldn't find you anywhere. It's beautiful here."

We were at the lake. I still come here to think. "Yeah, it's me and Jason's special place." I said. "I don't want you to hang out with him anymore." He said. "What? Why?!?" I asked, getting up. "I don't like him and I don't trust him." He said. I could feel he was getting mad. "Justin's my best friend. I haven't seen him in years. You can't forbid me to see him." "He also used to be your boyfriend, Heaven. He still loves you." "Don't you trust me?" I asked. I can't believe him. "I do trust you. It's him who I don't trust." "I trust Justin. I've known him for years. You don't know him the way I do." I told him.

I was getting mad as well and I wanted to yell things at him, but I didn't because I knew I would regret it later. So I just kept it in. "I still don't trust him." "You know what? I don't have time for this. I'm going out with Alice." I started to walk away. "I thought we were going to hang out." "Well you thought wrong. And no, I won't call her and say I can't come. I won't let you ruin my friendship with Alice and Justin." I yelled and ran away. He said he only wanted one chance to prove he's not who I think he is. But he's doing a pretty good job at screwing it up.

"Are you okay? You seem upset." Alice and I are at Starbucks. "I just had a fight with Drew." I said. "About?" "You but especially Justin." "What did he say?" Alice asked. "He told me I can't hang out with Justin anymore." "You're not gonna listen to him, are you?" "Of course not. Who do you think I am? I won't let a boyfriend screwing up my friendships. No way." I replied. "Was he mad?" "Yeah pretty much. He said he doesn't trust Justin." "I need to tell you something, but first you have to promise me you will believe me." Alice said. "I promise. Now tell me. You made me curious." "The other day I heard Drew talking to his friends and he told them he's using you to make his ex jealous." Alice told me. "What?! He would never do that." I said. "Why would I lie about that?" She asked. "Because you want him for yourself." "Heaven please. I already thought he was a jerk before you two started dating. You even thought he was a player. I warned you, Heaven. Remember?" "I still don't believe you. You're just jealous. You want him." Alice rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. I've known him longer than you. You can't trust him. He's going to break your heart." "You haven't known him longer than me. He moved here two years ago. You don't know him the way I do." I said. "I don't? Heaven, nobody knows that Drew is my cousin. I've known him since we were basically babies." Alice confessed. I did not see that one coming. "I am dating your cousin?!" I asked shocked. "Yeah you are." She replied as she nodded her head. "But keep it a secret." "Why?" "Because he has a bad reputation and we hate each other. That's why you never see us talking or hanging out." "Is he really using me?" "Yep. I heard him saying it." "I'm gonna ask him." I said. "We both know he will deny it." "It's worth a try." I sighed.

"I need to ask you something." I said. Drew and I are in his room. He's sitting in his bed while my head is laying in his lap. "Okay. What do you want to ask me?" I sat up so I could look better at him. "Are you using me?" I asked, looking in his eyes. "No, of course not. Why do you think that?" "Alice told me." "Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's saying. I would never hurt you." "You promise?" "I promise." He said and hugged me. I want to believe him, but something in me says I shouldn't trust him.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now