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I left the house and was about to go in my car when Drew called me. "Heaven wait up!" He yelled, running to me. I sighed and looked at him. "What?" I snapped. "Can you give me a ride to school?" He asked me. "You have your own car. Why can't you drive yourself?" "I got home too late last night, so they took my car keys." He said. "Fine. Whatever." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I got in the car and Drew in the passenger seat. I'm not in the mood to argue with him, so I'll just give him a ride. I remember how I used to give Justin rides. I sighed. I need to stop thinking about him. He probably forgot about me a long time ago and maybe I should forget about him as well. It's obvious that he doesn't want to talk to me. I mean he changed his number without telling me. It's pretty obvious that he forgot about me.

I parked my car and got out. "Thanks for the ride, Heaven." Drew said. "No problem." I said and we separated our ways.

I went to my locker. I opened it and looked at the picture of me and Justin. I sighed, taking the picture and put it under my books. I took my books I needed before closing my locker. Up to Math class.

"Heaven, care to explain why people talk about you and Drew driving to school together?" Alice said as she sat down the opposite of me. You know this feels like a déjà vu. Remember how I gave Justin a ride to school and Alice asked me all these questions? Ugh. Damn I was thinking of Justin...again.

"Hellooo?" Alice said, waving her hand in front of my face. "Uhm. Sorry. This morning I was about to leave for school when Drew asked me if he could drive with me since his parents took his car keys. I really wasn't in the mood to argue, so I told him he could come with me." I explained. "He's looking at you right now." I rolled my eyes and looked behind me. The jerk was looking at me. When he noticed I was looking, he winked at me. I just glared at him and turned back around. "I don't care." I said. "I'm not interested in that jerk." I told her. "Whatever you say." Alice laughed. "I gotta go. See ya." I said, getting up. "What? Where are you going? Lunch doesn't end for another 20 minutes." "I'm just going outside. I'll see you in class." I said and walked outside.

I sat down on the ground against the tree where Justin used to sit every lunch. I just miss him so much. "You okay? You don't look so happy lately." I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Drew. "I don't really want to talk about it." I told him. He ignored me and sat down next to me. "What's up?" He asked kind of worried. "Nothing you need to know." "C'mon. I want to cheer you up. I want to see you smile. I've been to this school for a year and there aren't many moments I saw you smiling." Drew said. I looked at him. I can't believe I'm going to tell him. "How do I know I can trust you?" I asked, looking in his eyes. "I swear on my brother who means a lot to me that I won't tell anyone. I might be a jerk sometimes." I gave him a look. "Okay. Fine. I might be a jerk almost all of the time, but you can trust me. I won't tell anyone." For some reason I believed him. It felt like I could trust him. He has never been this nice to me before.

"It's just that before you moved here I had a boyfriend. He used to live in your house. He went through a though time. He got bullied and the situation at home wasn't great either. Everyone told me to stay away from him because he was "dangerous", but he wasn't. He was one of the sweetest boys I've ever met. I became best friends with him and we fell in love. His situation at home got worse. His mother and step father abused him. One day his step father almost killed him, so I decided he should live with me and my mom for a while. We didn't hear anything from his parents until we went to the mall one day. His step father was about to shoot my boyfriend, so I jumped in front of him and took the bullet. I was in a coma for a week. That dangerous man is now in jail where he belongs. A few weeks later my boyfriend's mom asked for forgiveness, but he couldn't forgive her. She hurt her own son. He just couldn't forgive her. She was hurt and a few days later we found her dead in her house. The house where you live in. She committed suicide. That's when my boyfriend decided to leave for a while and go live with his dad across the country. I was heartbroken. I still am. We promised to call and text, but one day he changed his number and he never called me again. He promised he would come back and that he won't forget about me, but I feel like he did forget about me. And I just miss him so much. I didn't only lose my boyfriend but also my best friend." I told him everything and at the end I was crying. Drew hugged me.

"Sssh. Everything's going to be alright. He'll be back like he promised and I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about such an amazing girl as you." He comforted me. He actually calmed me down. "How do you know?" I whispered. "I went through the same thing. Well not exactly the same, but it looks like it. When I was 14 I had a girlfriend. She meant everything to me. She was also my best friend. We were together for almost a year when she left. She had to move to another country. Somehow we lost contact, but I never forgot about her. But it was hard. Everything reminded me of her. I just missed her so much. I needed her with me. Time passed and I had tried to move on, but I couldn't. Something held me back. Two years later she came back. She hadn't forgotten about me and neither had I about her. We tried getting back together and acted like nothing happened, but it was just weird. It didn't feel right anymore. We broke up and we're still friends now. So see no matter what happens you won't lose him forever." He told me. I can't believe he just told me all that. "Thank you." I said. "For what?" "For giving me hope that he'll come back." "No problem. C'mon." Drew said and stood up. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We are going to have some fun." I took his hand and got up as well. "Okay." I smiled. "Now that's what I wanted to see. Your beautiful smile." He flirted.

I blushed looking down, making him chuckle. We got in my car and Drew drove off to god knows where. He didn't want to tell me where we were going. "Drew. Pleaaaase? Tell me where we're going." I whined. "Nope. Not telling you. You'll see." He chuckled as he continued driving. "You suck." I joked. "Awh. I love you too." He laughed.

Maybe he isn't that bad after all.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now