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Justin and I were cuddling on the couch while watching tv. I was wearing sweats and a sweater. I didn't care who could see me. I'm so happy Justin and I fixed this. Things with Alice will be normal again soon. It'll be alright. But now that this happened I know for sure that I never want to lose Justin. He's my world. He's my everything and the last thing I want is losing the boy I love so much. I just love everything about him. His eyes. His smile. His lips. His laugh. His chuckle. Just everything. He's perfect.

I was laying so comfy that I just wanted to fall asleep right there and right then. This moment was just perfect. I closed my eyes and Justin kissed my cheek making me smile. "I love you." He whispered in my ear before pecking it lightly. "I love you too." I said, still keeping my eyes closed. I felt Justin laying us down and we both fell asleep.

Laughters woke up. Can't they just let me sleep? I moved closer to Justin and tried to fall back asleep. "Are that Justin and Heaven sleeping?" Someone asked a little too loud. Wait. That voice sounded so familiar. "Awh. So cute. Sshh. Don't wake them up." I heard mom say. Who's that guy who's with her? I heard them going up the stairs. I ignored it and fell back asleep in my boyfriend's arms.

The next morning I woke up basically laying on top of Justin. His arms were still around me and my head was on his chest. I snuggled more into his chest wanting to fall back asleep. Justin chuckled causing me to open my eyes and look up. He was smiling at me. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Because you're cute." He simply said. "So are you." I smiled. I noticed we were laying under a blanket. I can't remember falling asleep under it. Oh well. "You're amazing. Did you know that?" "I do know." I said before kissing him.

We were making out until someone interrupted us by fake coughing. Thanks for ruining the moment. I pulled back and we looked from where the noise came. "Hi mom." I smiled innocently and got up. "I see you two made up." She said. "Yeah. It was just a misunderstanding." Justin told her. "Okay. C'mon let's eat breakfast. I bet you guys are hungry. Oh btw you two were sleeping so cute." "Mom." I whined laughing.

We walked into the kitchen and sat down to eat breakfast. Justin was sitting next to me. We talked and laughed. It felt like we were one family. "Eating breakfast without me I see." A familiar voice said. It was the same voice from last night. Then it hit me. "Dad?!" I said surprised seeing him here. "Hey sweetie." He said kissing my head before sitting down next to mom. He kissed her cheek. I looked at Justin. He just shrugged. "What's going on? Why is dad here?" I asked, looking at my parents. They looked at each other and then back at me. "Your dad and I are back together." mom told me. "Omg! Really?!" I almost yelled. "Really." Dad replied. I smiled really big while getting up to hug the both of them. You have no idea how happy I am. My parents are back together. We're finally one family again. My life's great at the moment!


I'm so sorry for not updating, but school started again and I also went to Selena's concert on Wednesday so I didn't really have time to update. I hope you guys like this chapter. Unfortunately the next chapter will be the last one. I will try to publish it tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading.

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