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"Remember how we used to come here every day after school and just sat here or making fun?" "Yeah I remember." I sighed. Justin and I were at the lake like we used to all the time. "I miss those times." Justin said. "Me too." I admitted. "A lot to be honest." I added. "Do you honestly think we can go back to the way we used to be?" He asked. I looked at him. "I don't know." I said truthfully. Justin smirked and got up. I realized what he was going to do. "No. No! Justin, don't! I warn you. Don't!" I said, running away.

He chased me and finally caught me. He picked me up and ran to the water. "Justin no! That water is cold. Don't drop me." I begged him. "Okay." He simply said and dropped me almost in the water. "Jerk." I laughed, hitting him playfully. Justin was about to say something when my phone interrupted him. "Hey mom." "Heaven, where are you? Dinner's almost ready." "I'm at the lake with Justin. I'll be home in 5." "Alright. See ya. "Bye." I said and hung up. "That was mom. I gotta go." I told Jason. "I'll walk you home." He said. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Oh hey Justin, how have you been?" Mom asked when she saw Jason had walked in as well. "Pretty good actually. Thanks." He replied. "Wait. You knew he was coming back?" I realized. "Yeah, I knew." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I told her not to." Justin said. "If I told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise, would it?" Mom said. "Well I'm happy he's back." I smiled, looking at him. "So are you staying for dinner, Jay?" Mom asked him. "Yes. If you don't mind." "Of course not." She said and walked into the kitchen. "Have I already told you how much I love your mom?" Justin asked, sitting down on the couch. "Yeah, you have like a billion times." I laughed. Justin looked down and I exactly knew what he was thinking. "You miss her, don't you?" "Yeah. A lot." He whispered. I sat down next to him and hugged him. "She made the past few years of my life hell, but still she was my mom. I should have forgiven her." "I'm sure she's looking down at you right now and thinking about how proud she is of you. She knows you forgave her." I told him, looking at him. He looked at me. "You think so?" He asked with hope in his voice. "I know so." I smiled.


I should have never replaced Heaven with Ally. Heaven was always there for me unlike Ally. Ally thinks she could cheer me up, but in fact she couldn't. She couldn't cheer me up the way Heaven could. I still love her. I hate the fact she's with Drew. I don't trust that guy. He's up to something. But I can't tell what.

"Alice!" I shouted as she passed by. She stopped walking and I caught up to her. "What's up Justin?" She asked as we continued walking to school. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure." "What do you think of Drew?" "Why do you wanna know?" She asked. "I don't really trust him." I confessed. "Well I'll tell you what I know. He moved here the summer you left. Heaven used to think he was a player because he flirted a lot. Not only with her, but also with other girls. She didn't really like him, but that all changed when they started hanging out. But no need to worry Justin. I can see she still loves you." She explained.

"I still love her."

"I know. And if it makes you feel better, I don't really trust him either. But Heaven told me not to worry about her and that she will be careful." Alice said. "I just don't want her to get hurt again." "Me neither. But c'mon. We gotta go to class or we'll be late and then we'll see each other in detention later today." I laughed and followed her inside.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now