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I'm back and Heaven isn't really happy with that. She hates me. Of course she does. I stopped talking to her and I broke my promise. I can't even keep one simple promise. Living with my dad is pretty cool. He's great. School is fun too. I have friends. No one bullies me and I have a girlfriend who's not Heaven. Her name is Ally. Amazing girl btw. I should've come back earlier, but something held me back. I don't know what it was though. I think I was afraid. When I left, everything changed. Heaven was gone. She wasn't going to be able to be there for me all the time, so I tried to live without her which was really hard. I still love her. I have never stopped, but I've got Ally now. But when I saw Heaven, I fell in love all over again.

My dad and I are staying at Heaven's house for a few days. Heaven doesn't know yet. She ran out the house earlier and went away with this guy. I heard someone up the stairs and opening a door. I got up and opened the door just so I could see who it was. It was that guy from earlier today. I walked out my old room and went to see what he was doing. He was laying her in bed since she was asleep. But as soon as she didn't feel his touch anymore, she started mumbling. "Drew?" "Yes." "Stay." "I don't think your mom would like that." "Fine." She sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." "Goodnight." She said and went back to sleep.

I saw that Drew kid coming towards the door, so I ran to my room and quickly closed the door. I was like angry. Why was I angry? He touched my girl. She's not my girl. Ally is my girl. But why am I jealous? My mind is messed up. I need some sleep.


I woke up in my bed. How did I get here? I fell asleep at Drew's. He probably brought me home. He's so sweet. I got out of bed and took a shower. After I got dressed, I took my bag and walked downstairs. He was already eating breakfast. "Good morning, sweetie." Mom smiled. "Good morning, mom." I replied, giving everyone a fake smile. "Sorry. Can't eat breakfast since I'm already late. Bye." I said in a rush and left the house.

I wasn't late. I just didn't want to see him. "Can I go with you?" I heard Drew ask. "Sure. Get in." I said. We got in the car and drove to school. "Thank you for yesterday." I said. "No problem. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. We're going to the mall after school. I thought you wanted to go shopping." "You really know how to cheer up a girl who's heartbroken, don't you?" "Well if you have two older sisters, you know everything about it." Drew laughed. I chuckled.

We arrived at school and I went to my locker. "I'll see you around." Drew said and gave me hug before walked away. "Yeah see ya." I said. I was taking out the books I needed when I felt someone behind me. "Hey Alice." I said, knowing it was her. "Hi." She replied. I told you it was her. I closed my locker and we started walking to class.

"Why are you so down?" She asked. "Justin happened." I simply said. "Justin? What about him? I thought you guys stopped talking." Alice said as we sat down. "He stopped talking to me. Not the other way around. He's back." I told her. "Are you serious?" "Yes, unless I dream that he's staying at my house." "But I don't understand it. I mean you should be happy he's back. You have waited for him to come back for ages. What happened?" "He forgot about me and got another girlfriend." I told her. "But Justin isn't like that. He would never do something like that." Alice said confused. "Why didn't you call?" She asked. "I was on my way to you, but I bumped into Drew-" "Drew?" "Yeah, let me finish." "Sorry." She mumbled.

"I ran into Drew and he took me inside and I just ranted. After it we watched this chick flick and he gave me ice cream and chocolate and I didn't even ask for it. He was like 'I know what you need right now.' and left the room. He came back with all that. And guess what? He's taking me shopping after school. Remind me again why I didn't like him." We both laughed. "Well I'm happy he could cheer you up." She said. "He's coming." I smiled. "You know if I didn't know you better, I would tell you that you have a crush on him." Alice said. "Pff. I have no idea what you're talking about."

Yeah, maybe I have a tiny crush on him, but who doesn't? I mean he's good looking and funny. Alice gave me a look. "Okay. Fine. Maybe I like him." I told her. "Like who?" Drew suddenly asked from behind me. "You scared me. Just someone." I said.

I looked at Alice who was smirking. I really wanted to smash that smirk of her face right there and right then. I glared at her making her smirk even more. "Anyway would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked with hope in his voice that I say yes. "Of course. Why not?" I said. "Cool. I'll pick you up at 6." He told me. "You aren't allowed to drive your car yet. Your parents have still your keys." I reminded him. "We'll take your car, but I drive." I laughed. "Okay. Fine." I said and turned back around. "Alice, if I were you I would wipe that smirk off your face." I warned her.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about Drew. I know I said he was a player and a jerk, but I was wrong. He's so sweet and nice. Yeah, I think I might be falling for him. The final bell rang and I ran out of school. Drew was already waiting at my car. "Hey." I smiled. "You ready to go to the mall?" He asked. "I was born ready. C'mon." I said and unlocked the car.

We got in and I drove to the mall. Drew turned the radio on and Summer Of '69 by Bryan Adams was playing. "Oh my god. I love this song." I turned it up and sang along.

"Oh when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever. And if I had the choice
Yeah - I'd always want to be there
those were the best days of my life." I sang.

"Ain't no use in complainin'
when you got a job to do
Spent my evenings down at the drive-in
and that's when I met you." Drew continued.

"Standin' on your mama's porch
you told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
those were the best days of my life
oh yeeaahh." We sang, but it was also kind of screaming.

Drew and I laughed with each other. I was already having so much fun. We finished the song. "That was fun." Drew said, laughing. "I know right?" I said.

We arrived at the mall and we got out of the car. I locked it and took Drew's hand in mine which surprised him and dragged him to the entrance. "Someone is happy.' He said, smiling. "Oh yes, I am." I giggled. "You're so cute." He commented. "I try." I winked, making him chuckled. "So what store first?" Drew asked. "Forever 21." I said and dragged him with me.


If you don't know the song "Summer Of '69" by Bryan Adams then you must have lived on another planet because who doesn't know that song?! Anyway, if you don't know it, you can listen to it on the side. 

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