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"So Drew is your cousin?" I asked Alice, not believing what I just heard. "Yes, he is." She replied as she nodded her head. "He's going to break Heaven's heart. I can feel it." She told me. "What can I do about it?" I asked. "Just make sure she doesn't get too hurt, Justin." I heard her sigh. "Okay, I'll see what I can do. But are you sure?" "Yes, I am. I heard him talking to his friends the other day. He just wants to make his ex jealous." "And you are telling me this because?" "Because I know you still love her and we both know she also still loves you. And I don't want her to be together with Drew. You two are meant to be. I can feel it." "Yeah, I still love her. I broke up with Ally." I told her. "Really?" "Yeah, we're just friends now." "Cool. Look Justin, I gotta go. But I'll see you at school tomorrow." Alice said. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." She said before she hung up.

This is perfect to be honest. Drew breaks Heaven's heart. I'm gonna comfort her and then she will realize she still loves me and that she belongs with me. Drew, I don't like you but this is perfect. But I find it bad that she's gonna get hurt. She doesn't deserve it. She deserves to be happy.


I'm at school. It's Friday today and there's a party tonight. Of course me, Alice, Jason and Drew are going.

"So I'm coming to yours after school so we can get ready for this party together?" Alice asked. "Yeah, sure." I said, closing my locker. "Have you seen Justin?" I asked. "Uhm, yeah. He was outside a minute ago. Why?" "No reason. C'mon we gotta go to class." "Do we really have to? I don't wanna see her ugly face today." Alice whined. "Do you rather want detention?" "Hell no." She said. "Well let's go then." I laughed, pushing her forward. "Okay. Okay. Okay. I can walk myself. Thank you very much." I laughed and we went to class.

"Food!" Alice and Justin yelled as they ran in the cafeteria. "It's obvious that neither of you ate breakfast this morning." I said. "No, I actually did eat this morning." Alice said, sitting down. "We're just hungry all the time." Justin joined and sat down as well. "If you say so." I laughed. I heard Alice groan and giving Justin a look before Drew sat down. "Hey babe." He smiled and kissed me. "Hi." I said. "Oh hey Justin and Alice." Alice rolled her eyes and gave him a fake smile. Justin just looked away. Okay, this is awkward. "So you guys are going to that party tonight?" Drew asked. Alice and Justin ignored him. "Yeah." "I'll pick you up at 8." "Okay. But who's going with Alice?" I asked. "I am." I heard Justin say. I looked at them, feeling a bit jealous. "What? We're just friends. Don't worry." Alice said and went back to eating.

I looked back at Drew who was looking behind me and then kissed me with force which I didn't like at all. I pulled back and looked behind me. His ex girlfriend was looking at us. I noticed Alice was giving me a look that says "I told you so." "What was that for?" I asked. "Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" "Not like that. I don't like it." I told him. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I gotta go. Bye." He said and then left.

"Jerk." I mumbled under my breath. "I'm gonna say it again. I don't like and trust him." Justin said. "He doesn't trust and like you either." "I don't really care. I've known you longer than him. He doesn't know you. I bet he doesn't even know your favorite color." Justin said. "What's my favorite color then?" I asked him. "Everyone thinks it's pink or blue, because you're always wearing something pink or blue. But your favorite color is purple." "How do you know it's purple?" "Just the little details. Like some things in your room are purple. If you buy something, you first see if they have it in purple. Your pens are purple as well." I am impressed. Nobody figured that out. But Justin, he's got something special. "Yeah you're right. You do know me." I smiled. "I told you, you two are perfect for each other." Alice suddenly said, making me look at her. "We're not together." I said. "Yet." I heard her whisper. I pretended I didn't hear it. When lunch was over, we went back to class and then home to get ready for this party. Alice is staying the night. But I have the feeling something bad will happen.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now