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It actually hurts me seeing Heaven like this. This isn't like her. She's always happy. Always smiling and laughing. She's an amazing girl. I like everything about her, but honestly I'm afraid I will hurt her again and I don't want that. When she's hurt, I'm hurt. But I want to be able to call her mine again. To be able to kiss and hug her whenever I want. To be proud to say that she's my girlfriend.

I found Heaven at the lake. I knew she'd be here. She was sitting down looking at the water like usually. I sat down next to her, but didn't spoke. She was crying. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking at her. "Does it look like I'm okay?" She almost yelled. "My life is a mess. My dad lives in another town and I barely see him. My ex boyfriend cheated on me and used me. My best friend left for 2 years and forgot about me. I know that I shouldn't be compla-." I cut her off by kissing her. She was surprised at first, but then kissed back. I pulled back smiling. "That was the only thing I could do to stop you from ranting." I chuckled.

Heaven smiled and brought her lips back to mine. Our lips moved in sync. This was just perfect to me. I missed kissing her. I missed feeling her lips on mine. I pulled back and looked into her beautiful eyes. "Will you be mine again? I promise I won't leave you again. I promise I won't hurt you again. I will always stay by your side." I whispered against her lips. Heaven nodded before kissing me. I pulled her in my lap, not breaking the kiss. I finally got my girl back and I couldn't be happier.


Forget that I was down this morning, because now I'm the happiest girl alive. I have a date with Justin who's also my boyfriend again. I couldn't be happier. "Why is everyone so happy today?" Mom asked, stepping of the last step. Justin and I were laying on the couch watching tv. I turned my head to look at her. "We're back together." I smiled. "That's amazing. I'm so happy for you two." She smiled. "I gotta go." Mom suddenly said. "Where you going?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the tv. "Grocery shopping. Bye." As soon as I heard the door slam shut, I turned to Justin and smirked. "We have the house all to ourselves." I told him. "I like that." He smirked as he came closer. "I bet you do." I giggled.

Justin hovered over me and started kissing me which turned into a make out session until we got interrupted by the doorbell. Ugh. Can't they see I'm busy? "Justin." I said, pulling back out of breath. "I have to get that." "No." He whined and went back to kissing my neck making me moan. The doorbell rang again. I pulled Justin off of me and stood up fixing me hair. "We'll continue this later." I winked and walked out the living room to open the door. "Charlotte?!" I asked surprised.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now