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I was helping Heaven's mom with dinner when Heaven and that Drew guy came in laughing. "Oh my god. Kids, this isn't a playground. If you don't stop, I have to kick you out." Heaven said laughing. "Excuse me, but we aren't kids anymore and can't we have fun?" I heard Drew say.

What are they talking about? "Did you see her face when you said that to her?" Heaven asked. "But she was exaggerating. Like we didn't make a mess. We just messed around with the dress clothes." Drew replied while they walked into the kitchen. "I don't think she really likes Romeo and Juliet."

"Hey guys." Heaven's mom interrupted their conversation. Thank you! "Hi mom." Heaven said and kissed her cheek. "Hey Justin." She sighed. "Are you going to tell me who that handsome boy is or not?" "Oh right. Sorry. Mom, this is Drew. He's our neighbor. Drew, this is my mom and Justin." She introduced. "Nice to meet you." Drew smiled. I glared at him. I don't know why. But I don't really like him. "Nice to meet you too." "You want to stay for dinner?" Heaven's mom asked, looking at Drew. Wait? What?! "Sure." He replied. "Mom, we'll be in my room." Heaven said and they went to her room.

I groaned and laid my head on the table. I think I made a huge mistake. Why can I be so stupid sometimes?! "You okay?" Heaven's mom asked. "Don't worry, mom. I'm fine." I lied. Yeah, I call her mom sometimes because she's like a mom to me. I lived with her for months. She even treats me like I'm her own son. "Justin, you can tell me anything. You know that right?" "Yeah, I do. But I think this time it's better if I ask my dad for advice." I told her. "I'm here if you need me." She gave me a small smile. "I know. Thank you."

I got up and gave her a hug. "Thank you for being my second mom." I said. "Justin, you know you're like my son." She told me. I let go of her. "Do you still need me or can I go talk to my dad?" "No, go talk to your dad." She laughed, pushing me to the stairs. I chuckled and went upstairs. I heard Heaven laugh. I love her laugh so much. I hate myself for letting her go, but I have Ally know. And Heaven has Drew.


"Drew, stop." I said as he continued tickling me. He was sitting on my stomach while I'm lying on the floor. We were having a pillow fight and then someone found it fun to tickle me to dead. "Never." He said. "Stop. I'll do anything." As soon as he heard that, he stopped and this stupid smirk appeared on his face. I mentally slapped myself. What have I gotten myself into?

"If it has to do anything with your dick, then think about something else because I ain't going to do it." I told him. "Don't worry. I'm not like that." He assured me. "Good. So what do I have to do?" I asked. "Just kiss me." He smirked. "What?" I said, not believing what I was hearing. "You heard me." Before I could reply I felt his soft lips on mine. The kiss was sweet. He pulled back and smiled. I blushed, looking away. "That's all I wanted." He whispered. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "I've had a crush on you ever since I moved here." He confessed. "Awh. Is Drewy blushing?" I teased in a childish voice. "You're so immature." He commented. "Oh you were talking about you? Good you know it yourself." I smirked.

I pushed him of me and ran down the stairs. "Heaven, who's the child now?" He yelled while chasing me. I shrieked and laughed while I kept running around the house. "Hey Justin." I said when I passed them. "Still you!" I yelled. I didn't know where I was running, so I bumped into Justin's dad, Jeremy. "Hi Jeremy." I nervously laughed and tried to run away, but two strong arms caught me. Jeremy laughed at us and went into the living room

"The two kids are done playing." I heard Justin say. I turned to glare at him. "What's your problem?" I asked. "You two are." He replied and went to his room. I shrugged and looked at Drew. "Did you really have to catch me? You're no fun." I pouted. "Can you stop being cute?" He asked. "No, I can't."

I didn't realize he had still his arms wrapped around me. "What's going on here?" Mom asked. "Just the two lovebirds being cute. That's all." Jeremy yelled from the living room. I looked down blushing. "We're not dating." I said. "Yet." Drew mumbled.

I pretended I didn't hear him. After dinner Drew went home. It was kinda awkward between me and Justin. He kept on glaring at Drew like he did something wrong. I like Drew. He's amazing and caring. And that kiss was just. Words can't describe it. I didn't really feel what I felt when I kissed Justin, but I did feel something. It's Saturday tomorrow and I have a date with Drew. I can't wait. It's going to be fun.

Jeremy and mom were watching tv. And they sat really close to each other. I think something's going on. I got up and walked up the stairs. I was about to knock on Justin's door when I heard him talking. I think he was on Skype or FaceTime since I heard another voice. "I miss you so much, baby." A girl said. "I miss you too, Al." Justin replied. "But I promise I'll be back next week. I can't wait to leave."

That kinda broke my heart. He really doesn't care about me anymore, does he? It's like I'm nothing to him now. What did I ever do to him? I don't understand it. I was always there for him. I always stood up for him. I loved him with all my heart. I trusted him. He trusted me. It seems like everything we once had was one big lie. Everything we ever had is all gone. It's like it doesn't even exist anymore.

I felt my cheeks getting wet. I sniffled and walked back down the stairs. "I'm going for a walk." I mumbled and left.

I went to the lake. I sat down on the grass like I always do and looked at the water. I remember how Justin and I used to come here almost every day after school. Just relaxing and having fun. I wish I could go back to these days, but I can't. We can't turn back time, even if we wanted to. The past is the past. What's done is done. You can't change it. I stood up and walked around town. It was already like 9pm or something. I walked by the ice ring. We had our very first date here. I remember it all so well. But all those moments we had are now only just memories.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now