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"So mom, what's going on between you and Jeremy?" I asked her. "What's going between you and Drew?" She mocked me. "I asked you first." "We're just really good friends." She said. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said, not believing her. "So what's up with you and Drew?" "We're just friends." I told her with a smile on my face. "If you say so." She laughed. "Anyway. Can you go to the grocery store and buy the things on this list?" "Yeah. Sure." "Take Justin with you." She said. I gave her a look. "Do I really have to?" I whined. "Yes. Now go." She said.

I groaned and went to his room. I opened the door without knocking. He was on Skype with some girl. Probably his girlfriend. "Jay, mom wants us to go get these things at the grocery store." I said. He looked at me. "Can't you go alone?" He asked. "No, you have to come." I said. "Why?" "Because mom said so. C'mon. Hurry. I don't have all day." I said. "Babe, who's that girl?" His girlfriend asked. "No one important." Justin quickly said. I glared at him. "I'm Heaven and I used to be Justin's girlfriend until you came along. Now Jay and I have to go. Bye." I fake smiled and closed his laptop. "What was that for?" He asked kinda mad. "I don't have time for all your lovey dovey." I snapped and made my way downstairs.

So as you can see things between me and Justin changed. It's like the connection we used to have is gone. It's like it never existed. But it's not my fault. I'm not the one who broke my promise. He's the one who broke it.

We went to the supermarket in the mall. Justin had to use the bathroom and left his phone behind with me. Bad move, Justin. Bad move. Someone was calling. I looked at the ID and smirked. "Hello." I said, still smirking. "Who's this? Where's Justin?" She asked. "Why do you want to know? You're not his mom." I snapped. "Give me the phone to Justin." She commanded. "Too bad. I can't. He's not with me right now." "Where is he?" She was getting mad. I could hear it. I looked around to see if Justin was coming. "Just listen to me. Justin is mine. Stay away from him. He's just using you. He doesn't love you. He loves me. So stay the fuck away from him." I hissed. "Have a good day." I said and hung up. I almost burst out laughing. I was just messing. I really wanted to see her face. Justin broke my heart, but I'm going to break his 10 times harder. Justin, you don't know what's coming for you.

After a few more minutes Justin came back. "Where were you?" I asked. "Looking for my phone. Have you seen it?" He asked. "You had left it here." I said, handing him his phone. "Thank god."

We bought everything on the list and went home. I was in my bathroom and called Alice. Yes, bathroom. I didn't want to Justin to hear what I did. "Hi. What's up?" She said. "Just came back from the mall. You need to know what I did." "Tell me. Tell me." She begged. "Hold on. Someone else is calling." "Hello?" "Hey Heaven." It was Charlotte. "Hey Charlotte." Alice said. "Heaven was just about to tell us something interesting." Alice informed Charlotte. Of course Charlotte knows what happened.

"My mom wanted me and Justin to go to the supermarket to get some things and Justin had to use the restroom, but he forgot his phone. His girlfriend was calling and I answered. She knows Justin was my boyfriend. I don't think she's very happy with that. Anyway I told her to stay away from Justin and that he's mine. I also said that he doesn't love her and that he's using her." "You're so mean." Charlotte laughed. "Learnt from the best." I said. "What about Drew? Are you really trying to get Justin back?" Alice asked. "I'm not using Drew if that's what you're saying. I actually like him. Speaking of Drew. I need to get ready for our date. I'll call you later girls. Bye." I said.

They said bye and I hung up. I got into the shower. After the shower I put on my favorite purple dress. I did my hair and I applied a little make up. Not too much. I still don't like wearing it. When I was finally ready, it was almost 6PM. Drew should be here soon. I walked down the stairs and as soon Justin saw me his jaw dropped. I smiled. "How do I look?" I asked. "Beautiful." Mom smiled. "Amazing." I heard Justin mumble. The doorbell rang. He's here. I opened the door and there he was. He looked at me and his jaw dropped just like Justin's. "You look so gorgeous." He complimented. "You don't look bad yourself." I smiled. "I'm out!" I yelled and closed the door behind me.

Drew took my hand in his and let me to his car. "So you got your keys back?" I asked. "Yep." He said. He opened the door for me and then got in himself. The car ride was fun. "Drew, where are we going?" I asked. "Not telling." He smirked. "You are so not funny." I pouted. "We're almost there. Five more minutes." "Thank god." I sighed. Drew chuckled and continued driving. After a few minutes the car stopped. Drew got out and opened the car for me. "Thank you." I said.

He laced our fingers together and led me to the entrance of this restaurant. It seems cute. We sat down and ordered food. We talked and laughed. There wasn't one awkward silence. You know. I like him, but I still have a thing for Justin though. This is harder than I thought.

"Thank you for tonight." I said as Drew got in the car. He smiled at me. "Glad you liked it, but our date isn't over yet." He told me. "No?" "Nope." He smirked.

Drew drove us to the beach. I just love the beach. I took of my heels and we just walked at the water. "I had a great night." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Me too." He said. We sat down and Drew pulled me on his lap. His arms were around my waist as I lend on his chest. This moment was just perfect and I wanted it to last. "You're so beautiful." Drew whispered in my ear. I blushed. "I know you're blushing." He chuckled.

I sat up and looked at him. I looked into his gorgeous. I didn't notice we were leaning in since I got lost in them. Our lips connected and I got this feeling in my stomach. The feeling was amazing and I wanted it to last just like this moment, because it was perfect. I pulled back and smiled. Drew looked at me and was smiling as well. "I need to ask you something." He started.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now