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"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I sighed. I had seen this coming to be honest. "Drew, I really like you and when you kiss me, I feel something special. But I also still have a thing for Justin. He was my first love and I can't forget him that easily." I said, looking into his eyes. "I understand." He quietly said. "But I'm willing to give us a chance." A smile appeared on his face. "So that's a yes?' He asked. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled. Drew smiled and kissed me. I still have a thing for Jason, but my feelings for Drew are stronger. And no, I'm not using him to get back at Jason. I would never do that.


"Justin, be honest. Are you cheating on me?" Ally asked. Where is this coming from? "What? No, I would never do something like that. You know that. I love you." I said. "A-are you using me?" She asked, crying. Why is she asking all this? "No, I'm not. I care about you so much Al." I told her. "Why are you asking this? Is there something wrong?" I asked. "I called you the other day, but you didn't answer instead a girl did. She told me you're hers and that you don't love me. You're just using me. I don't know who it was." She explained. I know exactly who it was. "She was lying. You're mine. I'm not using you and I love you so much." "I love you too. When are you coming back?" "In a few days, babe." "I can't wait." "Me neither. Look Ally, I gotta go. I'll text you later alright?" "Sure. Love you." "Love you too." I said and hung up.  

I can't believe Heaven would do something like that. She isn't like that. Why did she do it? I don't get it. I believe my girlfriend, but I'm gonna ask Heaven about this. I was about to knock on her door when I heard her talking to Alice. Heaven hates it when you walk into her room without knocking. "So you and Drew huh?" I heard Alice ask. "Yep. We're dating."

For some reason that broke my heart into million pieces. I don't know why I feel like I'm heartbroken. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I love Ally. She's my girlfriend. I knocked on the door and walked in. "Oh hey Justin." "Did you tell my girlfriend that I'm using her and that I don't love her?" I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said. "Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about. You answered my phone when we were at the mall and I couldn't find it. Why did you tell her that? She thought I was cheating on her." "I really didn't tell her that." She lied. "I didn't expect this from you. You aren't like this at all. Did you do it because I have moved on? Did you do it because you are mad at me? I don't know why you did it, but you can't come between me and Ally." I told her and then slammed her door shut.

I don't know her anymore.


"Why didn't you just tell him?" Alice asked. I gave her a look. "Are you crazy? If I told him if it was me, he would have been so mad." I said. "And you think now he isn't mad? Heaven, you guys were supposed to best friends. You were the cutest couple ever. What happened to you? You barely talk anymore."

Oh let's see. He goes away for two years. Tells me that he won't find another girl like me and that he won't forget about me. Gets another girlfriend before he comes back. That's what happened.

"He left. That's what happened." I told her.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now