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"So what are we going to do tonight?" Heaven asked for the 10th time. "I'm not telling. You have to wait and find out." I teased. "Please." She pouted while giving me those puppy eyes. They're hard to resist. "Not telling." "Fine." She sighed, sitting back in her seat. I'm not going to take her out. I'm just taking her home with me and we'll watch movies and stuff. She'll love it.


"Do you know what Justin's planning for tonight?" I asked Alice as we walked into my house. "No, I don't and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you." "You suck." "I love you too." "Hey girls." Charlotte said. "Hi. What did you do all day?" I asked her. "Not much. Watched tv and walked around the neighborhood." Alice's phone started ringing. "Hey mom...What?!...Is he okay?...I'm on my way." "Is everything okay?" I asked worried. "My dad got in a car accident and he's in the hospital. I gotta go." She said, almost bursting out in tears. "Everything's gonna be alright." I assured her as I hugged her. "Call me if you need me. Okay?" "Okay." She nodded her head and then walked out the door. I really hope he's gonna be alright.

Justin stopped the car and got out to open the car door for me. I thanked him and I noticed we were at his house. "Why are we here?" I asked. "We're just going to chill here if you don't mind. My dad isn't home. He's at work." He said. "As long as I'm with you, it's fine." I smiled. "And we can make fun here too." I added. "C'mon." Justin said, taking my hand in his and led me inside. I don't think I've been here before. "Nice house." I complimented. "Thanks." He chuckled. "Hmm. It smells amazing in here. Did you cook?" I asked. "I tried."

I followed him into the kitchen. It looks and smells delicious. "I know it's not that special, but I hope you like it." Justin said, sitting down as well. "I appreciate it. You made it and we don't always have to go somewhere." "That's right." I took a bite and I was surprised. Good surprised. "It only doesn't look and smell delicious, but it also taste delicious." I complimented. "Thanks." "Where did you learn to cook like this?" "Well when your mom doesn't look after you and your step father doesn't care about you either, you have to buy and make your own food." "Right."

We finished dinner and then we went to Justin's room to watch movies. We were cuddling and I wasn't really watching the movie. I was looking at Justin. He's just perfect and I love him. He's my everything and I don't know what I would do without him. Justin kissed my head, making me smile. I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled back and said those three little words that I was dying to here. "I love you." "I love you too." I said and kissed him again.

Memories // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now