Trailer # 1. David of Baract

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Alright!! Sorry for the late update! Enjoy! Also for anyone who noticed. Yes this is the chapter I put up April first. See if you can notice any changes

Cover by aesthetic_mind. For some reason I can't see it so as an extra precaution. Cover by aesthetic_mind


It's April first. Yah! Enjoy.

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A male voice spoke through the darkness.

Man was born from the dust they say. And in the early ages of man he was faced with trials of great difficulty. For before man came shadow, the Grimm. Creatures of the dark that fed off of fear, and mankind was filled with it. Backed against the wall and facing extinction it seemed that man was destined to die before he had even accomplished anything of worth.

But mankind is a funny thing.

In the face of death ingenuity ignited and man was able to discover a great power source that gave him a fighting chance. This power was aptly named Dust. And with this new power man was able to push back the dark. With this also came an age of creation as man was able to grow and spread across the world.

"We already know all this dad." A young man of seventeen years interrupted his father rudely. He was the eldest of seven boys, the youngest being 15 as well as the chosen heir. "What's the point in going over this already?" They were all sitting in a glen just outside their village.

"It is important to remember our place in the world less we lose it." His father chastised, and warned. "As Baract we are charged with special responsibilities that must be passed down through the ages. The stories of our past tell us these responsibilities."

"Now I will have each of you tell one of our stories." He scanned the group before his eyes stopped on his son that had so blatantly interrupted the story. "Why don't you tell us the story of why we send one of our young men to Beacon Academy Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel grumbled to himself as he stood up. Boredly he began the story.

"In the days when the kingdoms were first forming the valley of Baract was considered a vantage point by several kingdoms and was greatly sought after. It was also widely known that the people of Baract were fierce warriors.

Many times the kingdoms laid siege to Baract only to be stopped by the combine forces of its people as well as the mountains protecting it from all sides. But with time it's people were worn down till they stood at their final defenses and after one hundred years it seemed that the valley of Baract would finally be claimed.

But the kingdoms didn't know that at the time of the final battle that the leader of Baract had been gone and had later returned.

Witnessing his people coming to an end he fell into a rage as he ran to their rescue, bearing the Shield of the Seasons. With his mighty weapons at hand he turned the tide of the fight and the kingdoms were driven back once more.

But with the victory came great loss. All but a handful of the men of Baract had died in the battle and the great leader himself had been severely wounded. The land itself had suffered and was made all but barren.

Seeing all of this, the headmaster that trained the Warriors of Vale approached his ruler with a solution.

Form an alliance with the people of Baract and bring peace back to the kingdoms. The terms would be that the heir to be would be sent to his academy to be trained as a warrior for their kingdom. The leader of Baract saw the wisdom of this alliance and accepted. It was this or let them be brought to ruin." Nathaniel came to the end of his story. "And ever since then the one chosen to be heir was sent to what is now called Beacon Academy to train to earn the title of hunter. It has also become a final test for the heir." He glanced over at the son who had been chosen as heir with spite. "If the chosen heir should fail to accomplish the tasks set to him when he leaves the village he is banished and another is chosen in his stead."

His father nodded. "A well told story." He looked at his heir and smiled. "Since we are on the subject of heirs why don't you tell the story of the Shield of the Seasons, David." He smiled at his youngest son.

The boy stood up to his full height of five foot eight and moved to stand before his brothers. His bright blue eyes flashed a hint of green as he scanned his brothers and stopped on Nathaniel. "Thank you father for this opportunity." He turned and bowed to the man he adored, his light brown hair fell forward to reveal slightly pointed ears. He turned back and began his story.

"A hundred years before the wars that nearly destroyed Baract, it's leader had gone on a pilgrimage to find enlightenment. His people had always been a warlike people and he was seeking a higher purpose. During his travels he had happened upon a home in the woods. In the home were four maidens caring for a single old man.

As he passed through the maidens bade the man farewell and traveled-"

A boy from the village burst into the glen. "The elders have decided that it is time!" He spoke excitedly.

David glanced at his father who nodded. "I must speak with David alone for a moment." His father dismissed his brothers. As each left David noticed the hate in their eyes as they glanced his way. "Are you ready?" He turned to his father.

"Of course father." He bowed. "You have trained me well." He buried any doubts his brothers eyes had given him.

"And you remember the tasks set you as heir?" His father asked. They had gone over his tasks many times and he knew now was only tradition.

"Yes father." He bowed again. "I am to train at Beacon Academy until I have attained the title of hunter. As well as discover the condition of the four kingdoms and their relations between each other." His father looked at him and he sighed, the only sign of disagreement. "I am to find my mate meant to stand beside me as I lead our people."

"This last task is the most important." His father placed his hands on his shoulders, he was nearly as tall as his father now. "We need brides from outside the valley. We may have recovered from the wars but new blood is necessary if we want to continue to prosper."

"Yes father." He nodded. Despite his own wishes he knew his best chance of finder his partner in life was outside the valley. His brothers had made sure of that.

"Your mother would be so proud." His father smiled. He smiled back at the thought of his mother.

"She watches over us both." He responded with their time old words since she had left them. "She would have made a big deal out of this would she not?"

His father chuckled. "Yes she would." His father looked up and sighed. "It's time to go. The elders are waiting." They both turned and made their way to the village.

The ceremony passed in a blur to David. He was handed the Shield of the Seasons as his weapon of use out in the world. It was a thick shield, close to a foot thick, roughly five feet in diameter with eight holes running on the edges all around its wide side. Once he had his shield and was packed for his journey the villagers waved him off. As he left the village he came upon Nathaniel.

"You better take care of my shield halfbreed." Nathaniel sneered. "I'll be needing that when you fail and I take my rightful place as heir."

David studied him for a bit before coming to a decision. "There is something I have wanted to say to you for a long time now."

"What?" Nathaniel asked nervously.

"I wanted to opologized that you felt like my mother stole father's love from your mother." David bowed. "That was never her intention nor did it ever happen. Father loved all his wives dearly." He turned and left while Nathaniel tried to blubber a response. With that off his chest finally he knew he would be able to make his journey. He would make both his parent proud.


I'll let you decide if this is real or not. At the end of the day this chapter will be gone but I still hope you will comment and tell me what you think, real or not.

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