Daily Mail

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Caution: this piece especially is extremely salty, hatred for hypocrites and the word leggy is evident!

Harry Styles and leggy Kendall Jenner fucking on yacht as leggy Kendall Jenner shows off leggy bikini clad leggy body!

Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner have recently been photographed on a very private boat in the middle of fucking nowhere. Not only are they in the middle of the ocean, somehow photographers managed to document the entire trip.

Now, isn't that just god damn wonderful? Don't you love science? The two were pictured fucking and punching on the boat. Now, hold the hell up, no they are not figments of our delusional minds that have no actual idea of what's happening. There's no such thing as angles and different seating when it comes to our leggy Victoria Secret blowjob queen. She always on top of men. Always. Don't matter if they're looking completely opposite of our leggy gal.

Now we're going to keep using our new word leggy to describe Catfish Jenner. Because of course it's such a shock for a woman to show legs in a bikini. How leggy of her! Oh Kendall, such a leggy princess she is.

Harry Styles and leggy Kendall Jenner are rekindling their 2013 romance. Obviously. Because when you put two people on a boat, especially when one is leggy, there's no way they're friends. Not even when one is rumored to be gay and the other is a leggy lesbian.

They're dating and all you delusional freaks can suck my dick, not Harry's cause that's what leggy Kendall is doing. There's no other benefit to this relationship, not at all. No rumors would be able to be cleared up and no babygate could be successfully carried out with this leggy relationship.

And there's nothing as fishy here in this situation as leggy Kendall's vagina. No, the leggy Jenners aren't widely known for their wild acts and provocative photos. They aren't money hungry puppets.

Louis Tomlinson and Danielle Campbell gEtTiNg MaRrIeD?!?? 1?!

Louis Tomlinson's baby due in 2018, #confirmed

This just in! Fans ACTUALLY starting to CARE about Louis Tomlinson's HEALTH! What a shock considering just weeks ago two fans were attacked for "hating" on his lifestyle!

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