Final Fate: J.C POV

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It's honestly been a week. A week since my heart shattered. A week since my beautiful and incredible boyfriend left. A week where my whole world was turned upside down because of one note. One week. That's all it took.

In this past week ever since I discovered the note of Kian's, all I have done is think. Think about how I could of fixed the situation of our relationship to make him feel more secure. Think about how I could of talked to him. Convinced him that what he chose was not an answer. Convinced him how much I honestly loved him. I literally loved and still love that stupid idiot with my whole heart, soul and mind and honestly as I know he's never going to walk in the door again and I will never see his smile and his beautiful blue eyes ever again, I can feel that love disappearing as my heart breaks into smaller and smaller pieces every day Kian's not here with me. Part of me wants to get in my car and drive to find him because honestly, my life is not my life without him but part of me knows that this is what he wants and this is his decision even if it means he's going to finally slip away from me. I can honestly feel the tears beginning to fall down the side of my cheeks as I come to the realization that he is going to slip away and I know I can't live with another person I loved slipping away. It is at this point that I know what I need to do and it is at this point that I sit and I write my final love note to Kian and as I watch it disappear in the fire and everything becomes black and quiet, I know that I will finally be with Kian. And I know that's what I honestly want. He makes me happy as cheesy as that is and he makes me the person I am. He is the one that completes me and he makes me J.C. And I know that I will finally have that. And for once in my life, I know my purpose. And that is to be with Kian.

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