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The first thought that runs through my mind as I step out of the car is that I actually killed him. And I know to be honest that is incredibly depressing but to be honest that grim reality is what greets me. Him lying in a cold and peaceful mess, the smile still plastered on his face as he begins to turn a ghostly white. I can see him slipping away in front of my eyes and to be honest, I am frozen with fear because I know that if he actually dies and I leave him, it will count as a hit and run and I will honestly be held liable which for someone who was just moving to L.A, I don't want. I don't want to be held in a jail cell and interrogated for hours before they decide my fate. I don't want to have to take a mug shot or have my finger prints taken. This is what motivates me and unfreezes me giving me the ability to move and the ability to finally go to his side. As I reach his side, I can see that the boy lying in front of me is no older than about 19 and that he's still a teenager. I can see the peacefulness that his smile still holds and the mark of freedom that I had given him and I know as I place my hand on the side of his neck to find a pulse which is incredibly faint, I know that I am taking away his wanted and needed freedom even though I don't know or understand why he was running or what he was running from. As I do this, I know in a really strange way that it is not his time to go and I needed to find a way to save him because all I can see is the haunting image of his peaceful smile and as this begins to become permanently stamped in my mind, I know that I need to understand the reason he is running and the reason he really needs freedom. These exact thoughts are what run through my mind as I place him in the back of my car and race to the hospital, every single minute passing with the fear that he is slipping away and this is the only thing that encases my mind as I screech into the hospital and he is taken away to the emergency room. The last thing I see is this beautiful young boy beginning to slip away and I know that I am powerless to stop it and as this slowly dawns on me, the tears start to fall down my face and I fall into a restless and dark encased sleep.

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