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"Im going down to the fridge, gonna get us some milk!" Knowledge says. She opens the door that supposedly leaves to the basement. 

"Wait!" I call. "You have electricity? Thats amazing!" Normal citizens had electricity cut off from them when I was about ten. Its been so long since I've lived with it. "Just what kind of work do you do?" I ask. 

"That," She says as she continues walking, "Is called Dinner talk!" 

"So," I say, between a bite of meat. "Its obvious you live a life of luxury. Meat, electricity, just what on earth do you do?" 

"What do I do?" She asks. "I guess you could say I keep tabs on the people here. What needs to be done, who needs what, things like that. It is a stable income indeed." 

"Amazing." I look at her house and everything in it. I used to live like this, how is that?

"Scarlet," Knowledge asks. "Tell me about yourself. Do you have friends? School? What have you done over the years?" 

"Being that you know so much about me. .  ." I say after I swallow some milk. "I would've thought you knew." She still waits for me to answer. "Guess not. For work I do odd jobs. Deliveries, painting, sometimes errands for the soldiers-hate that. . .but you get the idea, I'm nothing like you. I only have one friend, her name is Katie."

"Oh I know Kate. Or at least her father. She's about a year older than you are." 

"On the dot." I say, once again surprised by how much this person knows. "I was born on June 31st, her on July 31st." 

"So your birthday is soon!" Knowledge says. "Just around the corner." 

"Oh, is it?" I ask. "I forgot what day it is long ago."

"It is." She laughs and itches her brown skin. "You still haven't answered my question about school." I blush immensely. "I guess I teach myself. Or well, to be precise, me and Katie learn together." 

"I see," She says. "I am proud you keep up your education. Your Mother is smiling in her grave, I'm sure." I smile for once at the memory of my Mom. Her reddish brown hair always amused my Father among other men. I can clearly remember him laughing and toying with it. One of the few happy memories I have of my Dad is him and my Mom, sitting on the counter top at our old house, kissing gracefully. I made a wrinkled face and instead of being lectured about rudeness, they laughed, took my hands and walked with me to who-knows-where. I was only a child, but I remember the day as if it happened yesterday. 

"Well," Knowledge says, rubbing her hands together, "If you've finished, ill show you to your room. Don't bother protesting, its almost eleven at night! Far too dangerous it is!"  I know I should, but I don't protest. Something about this house. . .its like a peaceful place I never want to leave.

We walk up the ladder into the loft. A small prepared cot meets me along with a few other surprising things.

"What is this stuff?" I can't help but ask. 

"Items for you," She tells me. "Items you'll need shortly." She makes a sad face. "Theres a light switch over here," She touches the light switch I will use no doubt about it, "you sleep on the cot. The stuff beside the cot are all yours. I hope they fit." 

The minute she goes down the ladder, I walk to the cot. There are things I couldn't dream of owning right here in front of me. Shoes!

I gasp as I bend down to touch a pair of leather sandals she gave to me, along with a pair of long black boots. The boots are so long they go a bit past my knees. For the time being, they aren't exactly the most useful. The sandals however. . . . I find a tear slide down my cheek and smile. This woman has done so much for me in such a short time. Its been so long since I felt this way. I grab onto the sandals, snuggle into the cot, and sleep for what seems like an eternity. I love it. 

The sun stretches out on the horizon when I wake up. The sandals are still in my hands, and when I look at them, I smile out of pure joy. 

"Time to wear these things," I say to no one. I slip them on, my fingers crossed. FIT!!! they do just that. A perfect fit. After jumping up and down out of joy, I smooth down my hair and walk downstairs. 

"Good morning," She greets me. Some eggs on a plate await me. She points to them and I start eating. Knowledge is amazing at cooking, apparently. 

"I added a few small things to your basket, which is by the door." The basket is filled with bread and milk. A bit of ham tucked inside makes me overjoyed.  

"Eat it in good health," She says. 

"No need to tell me twice. Thank you for everything. The last time I ate like this was when my Mom was around."

"Now," She says as I finish the eggs. "You'll need to repay me." My throat tightens. What does she mean?" 

"I. . . ." 

"Don't worry," She tells me. "I only want one thing. Something that you can easily get me. Come here again, tomorrow morning, with Katie Brownswick." 

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