As I walk into the house, I soon figure out that everybody is still sleeping. Must have stayed up rather late last night. It still is early, anyway. I stretch and crawl to my cot, absolutely exhausted. As I lie down, the chain of the necklace Abbey gave me comes out from my shirt. I look at its beautiful design. It reminds me a lot of how beautiful the woods are in the morning. I close my eyes and in a short time, I sleep.
Talking wakes me up. Katie is whispering to Abbey, I can sense nervousness or excitement in her voice. I sit up, stretching my arms.
"Morning," They say. I nod in return, too tired to use words.
"Im so scared of it like, hurting, you know?" Katie says. I look between them.
"Learning magic doesn't hurt!" Abbey says. "I just . . . don't have that potential. I never could learn anything else. If I'm lucky, I could learn some elemental magic."
That sparks me,
"So you mean that elemental magic is the easiest to learn?" I ask.
"Um . . ." She looks at me and smiles at my enthusiasm. "Yeah. Its much easier than the other magics, you know?"
"What about . . .wind magic?" I ask carefully.
"Wind magic? Thats some legend. Ive never seen anyone with it. I hear its dangerous to learn, though."
"Oh." I say in a small voice.
"Im so excited!" Katie squeaks. "Magic! If we learn it, we can protect ourselves from that guy we have to kill!"
"I guess so," I say.
We hear footsteps downstairs and nod, its time. The beginning of what can either be the path to freedom, or a quick death. I put my hair up in a ponytail, brushing the stray hair away. Katie has hers in a bun, as does Abbey. We walk down the stairs and see Ben and Bruce, sitting at the table with Knowledge.
"Guys . . ." I say.
"Hi there," Katie walks up to Ben and they exchange a quick kiss. How can they do that, in front of all of us? No way.
I say that, but a twinge of jealousy goes through me. Im so stupid.
"Are you all ready to learn?" Knowledge asks. She looks at me and offers a small smile, so I nod in her direction politely.
"I was always ready!" Bruce states. We laugh at his optimism.
"Come with me, then," Knowledge stands up and walks outside to the stables, Abbey and Katie grab their cloaks as I almost do. I pause, and grab something just a little more . . . soft. Grey's jacket. I run out to catch up to the others. Everyone walks in the stables, but I pause at the doors.
"Bruce," I say. He turns and looks at me. "You did . . . catch the snake yesterday, right?"
He laughs.
"Yeah. Its in the house now-" He sees the alarm on my face. "In a jar! It isn't loose, I swear."
A shiver goes through me on the thought of it.
"Okay. . . whatever." Now I can walk into this place with no fear. Gosh, I hate snakes.
We saddle up, an eerie silence around us. As we ride out with Knowledge, I notice that not even the talkative ones are talking right now. Not like I can complain.
"Tie your horses here," Knowledge breaks the silence. I notice we are in some woods with a running brook near us.
"What is this place?" I ask. "Where, to be more precise."
"As far away from people as possible." She says.
We tie our horses and stand in a line.
"Who wants to try first?" Knowledge asks. Katie raises her hand and runs forwards.
"Alright, Kate, close your eyes and focus on your breathing."
"What magic will I learn?" She asks.
"Whatever comes to you." She replies shortly. The hesitant Katie closes her eyes and starts breathing. By now, she's in the world of silhouettes.
"Focus on the breathing," Knowledge instructs. "Aim for something, and exceed in it." After a few seconds, Knowledge tells her to release her energy. She opens her hand and adds color to the air. She changed it to a deadly back and red. We look at Knowledge,stunned. Knowledge shakes her head.
"Poison. Its a rare magic, but not dangerous to the user. What an interesting choice, Katie."
"So depending on how much of this I use, I can kill someone?" Katie asks, staring at her hands.
"Yes." Knowledge says. Katie smiles slightly and sits back down next to me. I stare at her.
"Thats creepy." I say to her. She just nods in thought.
"Oh!" Bruce yells, "Me! Me! Me! Im so learning that!"
After a couple of minutes with Bruce, Knowledge commands him to release his energy. He opens his fist, with a grin as big as his face. Nothing happens. We all sigh.
"It will come eventually," Knowledge says. "Don't worry."
It takes Ben fifteen minutes to get a result, which is water. Abbey, surprisingly is only five minutes, with a result of earth magic. She puts her hands into the ground, and makes hills rise, trees grow larger or smaller, whatever she wants to do. Knowledge is obviously pleased. On my turn, I already know what to do. I take a breath in and my Silhouette world is here again. I focus on fire, holding it on the palm of my hand. It dances around in my hand when I emerge from the magic world.
"Fire . . ." Knowledge says. "Impressive. MY choices of . . . warriors were obviously correct in you bunch." She shoots Bruce a small glare. For the rest of the day, we focus on breathing, staying in the silhouette world, and controlling magic. Bruce gets a small reaction of water, and we applaud. As we ride home for the day, late at night, the chatter will not cease. IM silent. If we are learning the magic now, when will we start the mission? How much time do we have to prepare? What is the plan? What if there isn't a plan? I wouldn't be surprised.
I ride up front with Knowledge.
"When will we put the plan into commission?" I ask softly.
Knowledge closes her eyes and thinks.
"We will set it into action in one month from today. Are you that desperate to leave?"
"Its not that . . . I just want to get this thing going. I want to know more about my Father, too. I have a feeling ill learn about that during the mission."
"That you will child," She says, gazing at the approaching darkness, "That you will."

World Of Silhouettes