My sweet mother, could she actually hold this sword in her hands? Could she fight with it? And how did she Knowledge? I just can't understand. Why can't I ever understand things. Its just not fair!
I hold the sword in my shaking hands. Did my mother fight in a rebellion before I was born?
Arms embrace me. Knowledge is hugging me. I stand in shock.
"Don't cry, child," She says. I smile.
"Im not . . . crying," I feel wetness on my cheek. So maybe I was crying?
She parts from me while I stare at the sword. Sealed with magic and crafted hundreds of years ago?
"Who was she?" I ask Knowledge. "Who was my Mother? I need to know. She never told me about herself. I have to know. Who was my Father? They never talked about themselves and then my Father left. You know the rest. Why did they kill her? Who the heck was my mom?"
"I will tell you one thing, Scarlet," Knowledge says. "Your Mother was a strong person. A gentle spirit, a loving character. She was an amazing person. She was an amazing daughter."
Thats it, I'm done. Lies! Thats all anyone wants to do to me. Why? I hate her! I hate everyone. MY mother lied to me all my life. Her Mother is doing the same. My father abandoned us, I have nobody. If this is a contest of mystery, I can play it too. I grab the sword and walk out of the door. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see that Katie has tears going down her cheeks. Everyone looks at Knowledge in surprise. Grey looks like he might have just found out the key to the worlds secrets.
"Scarlet!" Katie says. She grabs onto my hand. I stare at her, a tear runs down my cheek.
"Don't just leave," She says. "do you think your Mom would want that? I knew her too, remember? I know she would want you to stay. Don't just leave us, I don't want to fight without you!"
I close my eyes and pull away.I walk out the door and slam it behind me. I have an important choice to make in my life. Follow my Mothers path and fight, or go back home and become my own person, leaving the rest to make their own choices. I do the one thing I've always resorted to when I feel pain. Fear. Fear is like a dagger, you can use it for you, or it can pierce your heart. Sometimes fear can make you stronger, other times, it will kill you. I want to see just what it can do. I walk down the alley I rode Dauntless in with Abbey. My heart thuds in my chest as I walk, tears freely running down my face. Some might say this is suicide, I say this is my choice. Soon enough, I hear yelling. Two men in their late forties walk out of a house in the alleyway.
"Oh, girl, what brings you hear so late at night?" They ask. I stare at them.
"What brings me here?" I repeat.
They laugh at me indecision.
"Come on in, you look tired. We can make you happy again." I stare at them. They just promised me the moon. I know that only I can make myself happy right now. I walk away from them.
"Hey!" One yells. "Come back here! I want you to stay with me!" He grabs my wrist. I turn around and take my sword. If my Mother used this, I want to at least once. He jumps back when he sees my sword.
"Who do you think you are?" He asks. He pulls a sword out of his belt, and charges at me. I may not have much experience with a sword, but I will not lose. Sometimes, thats all you need.
I block it, and swing at him in the legs. He jumps back and smiles, glad to see I do have some skill. He runs up to me and fakes an attack on my legs, swinging the sword to meet my face. I jump back, in surprise. The sword slices a bit of my cheek, creating a small cut. I wince and kick his legs, his buddy yells.
"Don't lose to the girl!" He yells. He won't interfere, though. Talk about friendship.
"Ahh!" He yells. He pin-points me to the wall. I gasp, as the sword touches my neck. He laughs at my dismay.
"Is this what you wanted, girl?" He asks.
"I . . ."
"Don't talk," He warns. "Or my blade will pierce your throat. DO you want that?"
I stare at him, rage on my face. My hands shake. If I don't save myself right now, nobody will. I don't want to be saved, I want to fight for myself, to choose my own destiny.
"Help me," I whisper.
I close my eyes and open them, the silhouetted world appears. I allow a small smile. My attackers silhouette is inches from me. I stretch out my hand to him. I breathe in, and then, out. I can't use wind magic, not just yet. I could use water. I create a circle with my hands, and push it towards him.
The silhouettes are gone, and I'm slumped against the wall. The mans comrade, is screaming and running, out of the alleyway.
"Monster!!" I hear him say. I look at the damage I did. The man lies on the floor, unconscious, water all over him. His chest rises and falls. I stare at him. I did this to someone, all by myself. My sword glows, a blue mist surrounding it. I did this to someone. I can do it again. I want to fight, I've made up my mind. I will fight.
I stand up and wipe my tears away. This is what my Mother would have wanted, right? Yes. I can just tell. She was a person who never ran away. When the soldiers came, she tried to fight them. I remember that.
"Did you have to do with that man screaming?" Knowledge says. I look down the alleyway to see her there, in all her grandmother glory.
"Maybe," I say.
She sighs and shakes her wrists. She raises her hand and does some magic on the man, most likely erasing his memories.
"Two in one day, thats a record."
I stare at her. "Ive made up my mind," I say. "I want to be like my Mom. I want to be strong, and have children oneway that look up to me. I want to be brave and fierce, and not run away anymore. I want to hold her sword proudly. I want to say I am truly, her daughter. I will fight with you."
"She would be so proud, Child," Knowledge says to me.
"I know,"
She turns away and I follow her.
"You told me that she died at seventeen, when we first met," I say to her.
She looks at me.
"You said in all her seventeen years of life, she never cut her hair. What did you mean? Or were you lying to me?"
"Your Mother died in a sense at seventeen years old." Knowledge says. "I told her too much about the past, what freedom was, and she became hooked onto it. She stopped listening to me. We never talked after that. She said she would have children who were like her. One of the last times I spoke to her, was when she asked me to give you the sword one day. She was being hunted down."
We make it out of the alley and into the house. I open the door and walk in, no more tears. Katie runs to me and stops, inches from me.
"Your not leaving?" She asks. I smile and shake my head. She gasps and hugs me.
I close my eyes and hug her back.
"Im not sure if this is the right time for this," I hear Bruce say. He begins clapping. Ben and Abbey join in.
"See, if you left us, who would we have to tease for being the shortest?" Everyone laughs.
Knowledge sends everyone to bed and the all happily go, completely tired. Knowledge walks away into her room, and after everyone leaves, I walk to the ladder. Something grabs on to my wrist. I stop. Grey is standing there, an unexplainable look on his face.
"Powerful magic must run in the family," He says. "Because you are strong. Don't forget that." He lets go, actually seeming embarrassed. I stare in awe. The next thing I do is completely stupid. Its something I shouldn't do, but I don't care. Ive stopped caring a long time ago, this boy drives me crazy. I hug him. He seems startled, but he hugs back. I smile, completely red, and let go. He does too. I look at him and run up the ladder. Am I actually in love with him? I never knew that a person like me can love like that. I guess what they say is true: Opposites attract.

World Of Silhouettes