Chapter 1- The Gatecrasher

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Chapter One- The Gatecrasher

November 1977

The party roared in the Gryffindor Common Room.

Euphoria rolled over them in waves, suffocating and freeing all at once. There were horns blowing, sirens blaring, music reverberating through their bones, filling their ribs with a hollowing beat and making their teeth chatter. Marlene had somehow smuggled in Firewhiskey, and it frothed from glasses borrowed from the House Elves, and bottles swinging low in sweaty grips.

The House of the Lions celebrated, victory ringing in their ears and eyes, shining from beams and flushed cheeks. They had already forgotten the sight of Slytherin's Seeker closing his hands around the Snitch, for that didn't negate the fact that James Potter existed to grasp victory in the firm hold of his Chaser's gloves, reigniting their reign every time he potted the Quaffle through the hoops. In the end, it had been a close match. Slytherin had caught the Snitch, but they were no adversary for the skill and ease of the Gryffindor Chasers, who had already scored more than enough goals to start the Quidditch season with a bang.

Though the crowds of people consisted predominantly of Gryffindors, there was still the flash of yellow, or smile of blue, as girls danced, their hair tickling their eyelashes or tucked into their skirts, and boys chanted, egging each other on to drink as much alcohol as was feasibly possible in the given time. James relished the sight. His Head Boy badge gleamed from the front of his robes, and he found he quite liked this display of inter-house companionship. Of course, one house was notably absent. He pretended this wasn't a big deal.

"Why are you sulking on the side-lines, Prongs? Don't tell me you've become a wallflower," Sirius Black appeared from the throng of people, two glasses of burning whiskey in hand. His grin was electric, and James felt his own lips split accordingly. There was something about the way Sirius grinned at you, with that fire in his eyes and ferocious glint of mischief. James knew it was more trouble than good... but he also supposed it was a good thing he didn't mind a bit of trouble every once in a while.

"I'm too pretty a flower to be stuck on a wall," he replied sincerely, accepting the drink and taking a sip. It was cold and scorching. He licked his lips, fighting off a grimace.

Sirius openly voiced his distaste. "Merlin, where did Marls steal this from? It tastes like my Mother's medicine cabinet. You'd think she'd have better taste, for a girl like that."

James shot him an amused look. Sirius' lips remained curled in disgust, and he was mindful not to take another drink. He knew what Sirius meant however.

Marlene was red lips and smoky eyes. She was brash blonde hair and Muggle cigarettes that rested unlit between gleaming teeth and a sharp tongue that she wouldn't hesitate to use if she thought you deserved it. Her nails were always a different colour, and she winked at everyone who dared stare for a moment longer than absolutely necessary.

If James hadn't known better, he would've pegged her as a wine person. Expensive wine, at that.

"You never answered my question," Sirius pointed out.

"I'm affronted you called me sulking. I'm not sulking."

"You look like you're sulking."

"I'm not."

Sirius regarded his friend carefully. "Then why aren't you getting pissed off you head like Moony?"

"I just-" James sighed, then stopped short. His eyes grew wide behind his glasses, and a surprised huff left him. "Moony's drunk?"

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