Chapter 3- The Requirement

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Chapter 3- The Come-and-Go Room

Sirius paced.

James had tried calming him down, but nothing seemed to work on the agitated seventh year. He ran a hand through his hair, casting a glance at the doors. The large entryway of Hogwarts was swathed in shadows, and moonlight spilled in through the higher windows. Other than that, the only light available was distributed from the many candles that were floating in brackets on the wall.

Remus remained in the shadows, watching Sirius. His shadowed eyes trailed back and forth.

"She hasn't really fought in a war, has she?" James said in a small voice, looking between the two of his friends. He shook his head, hair flying everywhere. "She's too little."

Sirius would have laughed. He had heard Prongs describe many girls with a colourful plethora of adjectives, but never 'little', and never with so much compassion. Only emptiness and silence answered him, and the boys were struck with how strange it was that whilst the entire school was sleeping soundly, they were waiting for a girl who had fallen out of the ceiling.

"Do you think she'll stay here?" Remus asked quietly, and inquisitive as always. Sirius stopped moving.

To be honest, the question threw him off. Would she stay here? If she was telling the truth about fighting in a war, then where else would be safe for her? Where else but Hogwarts, under Dumbledore's watchful eye?

Everyone knew he was the only one You-Know-Who was afraid of.

But why did he even care? Realistically, they'd only known the girl for about an hour. Why did he care if she was safe or not?

He gulped. This aloof attitude did not become him, and he couldn't even fool himself.

The doors opened suddenly, and the object of his thoughts walked out. Sirius blushed.

Hermione looked healthier than she had when they had left her, with a slight colour to her cheeks. But he noticed it didn't reach her eyes. Why didn't it reach her eyes?

"I see you've gotten changed," James commented, winking. He walked up to her and played with the end of the tie. Sirius caught a slight wince, but otherwise she stayed still. "Good choice. You'll like it in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!"

He said the last bit dramatically, his eyes and fingers never leaving her tie. The other two shared a glance. James had never been noticeably nervous around a girl other than Lily.
Hermione smiled slightly, reaching up to put her hand on his. This seemed to jolt him out of his reverie, and his ears went pink and he coughed and stepped away. He really was like Harry, and it broke and melted her heart at the same time.

"So," Sirius said, grinning. "D'you want us to lead the way to the Common Room?"

She shifted uncomfortably at the thought of having to be around more people, and the fact that the Common Room was somewhere that she wanted to avoid for as long as possible. Futile as it may sound, she wasn't yet ready to watch the blonde boy die in front of her again and again. She cleared her throat, feeling faint. "Actually," Hermione began. "I'd rather not have to be around anyone at the moment..."

Remus nodded understandingly, then frowned. "Where would you like to go?"

This surprised her. "O-oh. You don't have to-"

"Don't be silly, love," Sirius replied smoothly. "We're not about to leave you alone. Especially in a big and draughty castle like this! Who knows what monsters roam these very halls?"

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