Chapter 75

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So I noticed a few of you are a wee bit confused with the relationships at the moment(:

Hermione and Remus broke up a few chapters ago in Chapter 71, when he told her he was going undercover for Dumbledore. She reacted to this in the way that Remus has reacted whenever she's done something dangerous (which is very overprotective). Hermione fell out with Remus when he did this to her and so, the tables have turned now when she tries to tell him what to do. In the end, it shows that even the most lovely and beautiful of things are affected by war. People were dying and Remus was leaving and although they love each other, they don't feel it's enough for them to survive.

Remus and Sirius, on the other hand, has been building up for the entire fic. It was subtle so it may have gone unnoticed but I have seen a few comments picking up on the Wolfstar hints; there are just small things in which Remus and Sirius are connected. Since this is an author's note, I won't go into too much detail, but if you want me to explain in detail, message me and I can:)

Hermione and Avery have always had something as well, despite the fact that neither one of them has ever really addressed it. They have become the most popular ship it seems in this fic so it's really no surprise that these two are getting closer (and will continue to get closer following Reggie's death).

I hope that clears things up a little bit! But if there are any more questions, please PM me!!

Disclaimer: I've used snippets from the actual Harry Potter books here so credit goes to JK Rowling obviously:)

Chapter 75

March 1980

When Hermione came to, the first thing she noticed was that her wrists and ankles were surprisingly loose. She had expected to be tied up, or at least restrained. It was odd, she thought, but she wasn't going to complain to anyone. Knowing her luck, that would get her thrown in a dungeon and chained to the wall. Escape was harder when you were chained to a wall- but that was a given.

The room she was in was nicer than any she had ever seen, far more impressive than was totally necessary. The ceiling was high, and the walls were a shimmering silver. Hermione wanted to roll her eyes. What was it with Slytherins and their house colours? It was like their fragility would crumble if they so much as looked at the colour red.

The door opened and her head shot to it, watching as Voldemort stepped into the room. It never failed to unnerve her, how human he looked in this time. He wasn't supposed to look human, he was supposed to look like a monster- monsters were easier to kill; less weight on the conscience.

"How are you enjoying your visit?" He asked politely, dark eyes sweeping over her.

"Why the luxury?" Hermione demanded, ignoring his question.

He raised an eyebrow. It was a strange expression for his otherwise expressionless face. "Because you're my guest," he told her.

She watched cautiously as Voldemort walked over to an armchair opposite the bed. He sat down in it and stared at her.

Hermione studied him. It was not often that you got time to study the darkest wizard of all time, what with all the killing and maiming going on between his side and yours, so Hermione let her eyes rake over him. He looked young, even though she knew he'd have to be at least fifty now. There was no evidence that he had aged at all; his skin was smooth and pale, his eyes were dark and framed by long eyelashes. His dark hair looked soft and uniformed.

She supposed, in a way, he was handsome. Hermione recoiled. Handsome? Where did that come from? He was the Dark Lord for crying out loud! But he was attractive... Or at least, he would've been if he didn't freak out and try and murder everyone all the time.

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