Chapter 79- The Baby

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AN: So I recently discovered the demographics page on this website and oh my god, I am honestly so so shocked and honoured at how people from so many different countries have read this fic! To the point where I'm actually close to tears! I mean, wow, thank you! I never thought this story would get any reception at all, and now it's being read by people from all over the world! That's so crazy! Thank you all so so much for your support and love. I can never ever tell you how grateful and humbled I am.

I know a few of you expected more from the funeral chapter and originally, I planned for it to be very heart-breaking... but then I realised that Avery isn't exactly an emotional person. He wouldn't make a speech for Regulus, and I doubt Hermione would break his silence. That's why they showed their grief through actions, and it was much subtler, but it supports my characterisation of them much more effectively:)

Sorry this chapter is long overdue! I was at a wedding this weekend gone and there was NO WIFI AT THE HOTEL! AHHHHH! Imagine the horror. This is 5k words though so you can't complain too much;) and REMUS IS BACK! WOO!

Chapter 79- The Baby

July 1980

Remus Lupin returned home, broken and bruised, limping and skinny, but with a smile painted across his pale face. With fresh scratches and ragged clothes, he all but collapsed on the doorstep of Headquarters. Hermione had been one of the few, along with Sirius and James, who had been there to greet him. His arrival was rather unceremonious; not one of them had been expecting it, but that didn't subtract from the tangible relief and euphoria they all felt at the sight of him.

Sirius had been the one to open the door, and there had been no sound as he had launched himself at the werewolf, wrapping his arms around his waist both to support him and to make up for the months he hadn't had the chance to just hold him. Remus laughed breathily, threading his fingers through Sirius' hair. When they finally parted, he twirled a strand and said, "You've cut it. It looks nice."

Sirius had been too overwhelmed to even smile.

"Padfoot, what are you doing? Who's at the-?"James' voice was heard first, and then his face appeared. His hazel eyes widened behind his square glasses and a choked noise escaped his mouth. Without a word, he threw his arms around Remus, pulling him close. These boys were brothers, connected by something more than just blood. Their souls were entwined and any absence was felt like a blow to all of them. They existed as individuals, but they were a part of one another. They were brothers, torn apart, but they always found each other in the end.

Remus had to pry James off him, and he looked mildly amused when he said, "I'm alright, honestly. It's not as bad as it looks."

And it did look bad. His hair was long and unkempt, his face was scarred and his lip was swollen and crusty with dried blood. But he was smiling, and it reached his eyes, so James didn't comment. He simply clapped him on the back and said, "I'm glad you're home. Wait, I'll go find Pete."

Remus grinned, as he disappeared, and Sirius guided him over to the living room.

"What happened to Headquarters?" He asked, craning his neck back to get a good look at the room. There were wooden beams in the ceiling and periodic features that caught his eye, and despite being old-fashioned, it was all new and intriguing.

Sirius cleared his throat. "Voldemort blew up the last one."

Remus' face dropped and he said, in a low voice, "What's happened since I've been gone?"

Sirius dragged a hand over his eyes, feeling the past five months cram in his throat. Where would he start? So much had happened, and when he thought he was finally being given the chance to move on from everything, it was upheaved, wrenched from the bottomless chasm of his memory. "Erm," he sat beside Remus on the settee. There were inches between them. Their knees bumped. Sirius tried to collect all of his thoughts. "They set the old Headquarters on fire- part of Voldemort's plan to blackmail Hermione into going with him. She did but we got her back with some... help on the inside. Turned out Voldemort had been spying on us through Datner, not that the poor bloke knew... or could do anything to stop him. Voldemort killed him. Caradoc died on the last mission. Other than that, I mean, everyone else is still kicking, still fighting..."

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