Chapter 47- The Trust

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Chapter 47- The Trust

The countryside sped past the window, a blur of greens and blues.

Hermione couldn't remember the last time she had travelled on the Hogwarts Express, but she was certain it hadn't taken this long.

The Christmas holidays had passed far too quickly, and that morning saw the four of them, with Mr and Mrs Potter, on Platform 9 and 3 quarters.

Both James' parents had given her the longest hug she thought she had ever gotten, and had said that it was lovely to meet her, that she was the best new addition to the family they could have asked for. Mrs Potter had to wipe her eyes on more than one occasion.

Now, they all lounged across the seats, sleep-deprived and evidently exhausted. Peter was curled up in a ball on the opposite bench, snoring, and Sirius and James were leaning on one another. Remus was stretched out, sleeping soundly, his head resting on Hermione's lap.

"I don't want to go back," Sirius said.

Hermione, eyes cast out of the window, murmured, "For the first time in my life, I don't want to either."

Her fingers were absentmindedly trailing through Remus' hair, and he shuffled closer.

Sirius looked at them. "What are you going to do?"

She frowned. "In regards to what?"

"Saving the world," he replied whimsically, raising his eyebrows.

Hermione scoffed, and diverted her eyes back onto the rolling hills. Eyebrows furrowed, James looked at Sirius, then at her and said, "We're planning on saving the world?"

Her eyes shot to him. "We?"

"Well, yeah. You don't think we'd just let you walk to your death, do you? You're surprisingly danger-prone," James said.

Sirius was staring at her. His face was blank but uncharacteristically sincere and he said, "Plus, we don't believe in destiny."

The train juddered, and Hermione glanced out of the window. It had gotten much darker now, and the sun had slipped out of view. Although she wasn't sure where they were, she knew they were getting closer to Hogwarts, and that she should probably change into her uniform soon.

She looked down at Remus, who was still asleep, and flicked him on the side of his head. He stirred, groggily opening one eye. She peered at him and said, "I need to get dressed. Move."

He did not move, merely smirked muzzily and burrowed his face deeper into her. When he muttered, it sent vibrations through her bones. "You're undressed?"

Hermione frowned. Seeing as though Remus did not seem to want to cooperate, she resorted to physical means and rolled him off of her. His arms and legs flailed but the distance between the bench and the floor of the carriage was short, and he was on his backside before he could stop it. He stared up at her. She smiled sweetly.

Standing up, Hermione said, "I'm going to the toilet to change. Please be done by the time I get back. I know we're close but that doesn't mean I want to see you all naked."

Sirius pouted, throwing his head back and wailing, "Darling, you're just a rollercoaster of disappointment today, aren't you? Hermione Granger: crushing dreams and refusing to see me naked since 1977."

Remus just shrugged. "Your loss."

She rolled her eyes and slid out of the compartment door.

The train trembled underfoot and she had to hold out her hand, just in case, to steady herself. The toilets were on the far side, and she passed several people, already dressed for Hogwarts, before she made it to them and changed into her uniform.

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