Chapter 35- The Old Friend

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Chapter 35- The Old Friend

Hermione knocked on the door.

It didn't look any different, and she felt her heart leap happily at the sight of it. The roof was still thatched and uneven, and the brick walls were crumbling. Outside was the same pumpkin patch she had used to hide behind with Harry when they had first travelled back in time.

There was no sound of movement, and for a second, Hermione felt that sink of disappointment. But the chimney was smoking, and sure enough, a repetitive clunk of boots walking across a wooden floor reached her ears, getting closer and closer. She breathed in, as the lock slid back and the door was wrenched open.

And there he was.

Much like his hut, he hadn't really changed. The only indication to his youth was the lack of wiry curls clinging to his chin. His beard was shorter and less raggedy, but still full. His hair hadn't yet begun to grey, and it was wild and dark. And his eyes, well his eyes were shining and loving, just like they always had been.

"Hagrid," Hermione whispered. He heard her, and shuffled uncomfortably.

"Do I know yeh?" He asked, an unsure tilt to his rough voice.

"Erm, no," she said. "I'm new to the school, and I saw the smoke from your chimney so I decided to say hello."

Behind her back, she flicked her wand and a plate of cupcakes appeared in her hands. She brought them out with a flourish and said, grinning, "I brought buns!"

Hagrid's face melted into one of modest shock. He stepped back and allowed her to enter with a "Righ', well yeh best come in then!"

The sense of homeliness that encompassed her as she passed over the threshold was indescribable; she could boil it down to the simple fact that one minute she was stood outside in the cold, and the next she was enveloped in warmth and a reminiscence of belonging.

He directed her over to the table, where she placed the cupcakes down and took a seat, eyes scanning every inch of the place she had once visited every day. There were still oddities scattered on the shelves that lined the walls; eggs and talons, glass jars of things Hermione could only grimace at. Hams and pheasants hung from the ceiling, attached only to the beams by knots, and there was the huge fireplace, roaring happily behind her.

Suddenly, there was a dash of movement across the floor and the excitable scramble of paws and the dog was at her feet in a second, jumping up at her knee. He was tiny! Reaching only half-way up her leg when he stood. She had to bite back a squeal.

"Fang," she whispered, rubbing his dark wrinkled face. The puppy's tongue lolled out and he licked her fingers, covering her in drool.

"Eh, he likes you," Hagrid commented appraisingly.

Hermione smiled. "He's lovely."

Hagrid moved over to stand by the corner that was dedicated to being the kitchen. He asked, "Would yeh like some tea?"

"Yes," Hermione said. "Please."

Nodding to himself, he set about making some tea for them both, boiling the copper kettle that looked far shinier than she remembered it.

"So," he said finally, sitting on the chair opposite her. "Yer a new student, eh?"

"Yeah, transfer." She was still scratching Fang's head, and the pup had resigned to leaning against her legs as he enjoyed her ministrations.

"Ah, ah see. And 'ow d'you like Hogwarts then? Trust those teachers are treating you righ'?" Hagrid winked at her, helping himself to one of the buns.

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