Chapter 5- The Nickname

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Hermione had gone quiet and had reserved to sitting in front of the fire, entranced by the orange flames. She was on the floor, cross-legged, a small blanket thrown around her shoulders.

The Marauders were a good distance away, discussing what they had just heard.

"I've been thinking," began Sirius, who was casually leaned up against the bookcase wall.

"Well, that's never good," Remus mumbled and the other boy shot him a mocking glare. "Do try not to over-exert yourself."

"Oh shush Moony. Anyway, I've come to conclusion that we should adopt her!"

He looked at his friends, a triumphant and smug smile on his face, as though he'd just come up with the best plan in the world. Peter looked amused and asked with raised eyebrows, "Are you still drunk?"

James rolled his eyes.

"And by that, you mean...?" Remus pressed, a sarcastic twinge to his voice. Sirius sighed.

"The only thing that made me feel better when I ran away from home, was knowing that I had three people who cared about me. So, we let her know that we care about her," he explained softly. "We look after her and help her adjust. We make her feel loved here, to rival the love she felt back home. We make her feel like she belongs."

There was quiet.

"You know, Padfoot," James said, shaking his head in awe. "Even though the majority, about 98.74%, of what comes out of your mouth is shit, every now and then, you say the smartest things."

Sirius squinted, trying to figure out whether he should be flattered or offended. In the end, he settled on being both.

Peter nodded his assent. "Good idea, Pad."

Sirius clapped the shorter boy on the back and grinned, "Thanks Pete."

They slowly, hesitantly, walked over to the girl huddled on the floor. Remus knelt beside her.

"Hermione?" He said gently.

She turned to look at him and he could see the fire reflected in her brown eyes. "Yes?"

"We were just talking, and since you're here, we'd like to look after you," Remus closed his eyes, wincing a little. "I mean, of course, you don't need looking after, you are a fully grown woman, after all, but if you-if you, erm-"

Hermione's lips quirked at his stuttering.

"What our dear friend is trying to say, is that we want to adopt you!" Sirius announced happily. Hermione paused. James slapped his forehead.

"That is most certainly not what I was trying to say. At all," Remus interjected.

"Basically, Hermione, what we are failing to get across here is that... if you want us here, we'll be here," Peter said, grinning lopsidedly.

She honestly felt her heart melt at the four earnest looks on each of their faces. She nodded and offered them a small smile. "I'm ready," she said, looking at Remus.

He frowned, confused for a moment, until he remembered their conversation last night. "Okay." He checked his watch. "Well, it's almost tea time. We could go down to the Great Hall, if you want? It's where we eat," Remus added, as if she didn't know. Hermione was about to open her mouth and say, "I know," but she bit her lip. She'd have to play ignorant from now on.

Instead, she nodded.

Remus got to his feet, helping her up with him. Sirius swooped in straight away, offering his arm. He smiled at her impishly.

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