Chapter 51- The Star

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Hermione stood outside Dumbledore's office, her hands by her side. She hesitated to knock.

The last time she had spoken to Dumbledore, she had adamantly resolved to oppose him, to go behind his back and change the future, despite his wishes. This conclusion was concrete and there was no way he could change her mind... But the Headmaster had a way of seeing through people, and she wasn't sure whether she could hide her intentions from him. Hermione had a knack of being unfortunately transparent, especially when it came to things that mattered.

She was still reeling from that morning, when James had finally kissed Lily. Even now, the smile fought its way onto her face at his shock when he'd pulled away, and the pure and undulated happiness that followed soon after. She'd received the message from McGonagall that Dumbledore wanted to see her at the end of breakfast, and had tried to mask the sinking feeling in her stomach. She didn't dislike him. She simply had a few altercations with his methods of war, and didn't yet feel like she could point out the flaws in his plan until she made hers fool-proof.

The door clicked open, just as Hermione lifted her fist up to knock. She cautiously made her way inside.

Dumbledore was sat behind his desk, moon-shaped spectacles hanging low on his nose, hands folded in front of him. He was smiling, and his leathered face much looked older than Hermione last remembered. He was also not alone.

As her eyes scanned the rest of the office, she noticed that she was in the company of three other men, two of which she was already acquainted with. Moody and Datner were stood nearby, dressed in their official Auror garb, looking as professional as they had the last time she had seen them. Even so, Datner flashed her a warm smile. Moody, disgruntled and not overly pleased to see her, nodded curtly. Hermione had to bite down the urge to smirk; it appeared Alastor Moody did not take well to losing, or being shown up by a teenage girl.

The third man had skin of the darkest hue and impossibly dark eyes. He was bald on top and stood at an easy 6 foot and yet, despite this stature, he didn't come across as dominant or threatening but rather the opposite. He had a quiet and kind disposition to him. Hermione recognised the younger Kingsley Shacklebolt in an instant.

"Miss Granger," Dumbledore said genially. "I'm glad you could make it. Please, sit."

Her eyebrows pulled together in a small frown, but she nevertheless obeyed. The Headmaster continued.

"I believe you have already met Alastor Moody and Pike Datner in one of your Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons last year. Mr Datner, here, was just telling me about your extraordinary duelling skills."

"Slapped Moody around and served him for dinner," Datner said, grinning widely. He nodded at her. "One of the most impressive uses of wandless magic I've ever seen."

"And non-verbal," Hermione added, smiling bashfully.

He bowed his head to acknowledge this and his grin widened. "And non-verbal."

His arms were folded across his chest and he gave the impression of ease, leaning against the bookshelf. Moody scowled, his rugged face contorting even more so than usual. He didn't reply, merely grunted.

"And this is Kingsley Shacklebolt, another Auror who works for the Ministry of Magic."

Kingsley nodded in recognition.

"I imagine you are perhaps a tad bemused as to why I have called this meeting, in the company of three of the most able Aurors the Ministry has to offer," Dumbledore said, leaning forward. Hermione had to admit, she was curious. "I wonder, Miss Granger. Have you ever heard of the Order of the Phoenix?"

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