Chapter 62- The Fleeing of the Nest

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"Hogwarts has seen many students pass through these halls," Dumbledore said. "The bricks have witnessed many of you grow from trembling First Years into bold and successful witches and wizards, and now it is time for you to bid those bricks farewell; to say goodbye to the classrooms and Common Rooms that have taught and sheltered you, to the portraits and the grounds that have accommodated you; to say a final farewell to the castle that has been your rock and refuge, your home, for the last seven years."

Hermione felt a bittersweet smile pull at her lips. The Great Hall was filled with summer sunlight, trickling in through the high windows and falling on the seventh years. The months had passed in a blur, an exhausting cycle of studying, examinations and planning and now, they stood in rows, staring up at their Headmaster for what was to be the last time.

Remus held her hand. Sirius, on her other side, was uncharacteristically silent. Hermione squeezed his arm and wondered whether he felt that same numbing sadness deep inside at the thought of fleeing the nest, of leaving home forever.

Dumbledore smiled down at them, and Hermione felt, despite all of her misgivings about him, a warmth spread through her. His blue eyes twinkled more brightly and vehemently than she had ever seen them. He said, in his low and infinitely wise voice, "But please remember, that should you ever need it, Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home."

As if on cue, the torches in the brackets lining the stone walls flared into vivacious life, and banners fell from the ceiling, showing the Hogwarts crest. Dumbledore beamed at them, and announced, "I don't believe there is anything more to say but farewell! Farewell, and good luck!"

The seventh years threw their hats into the air, whooping and cheering. Sirius finally seemed to perk up, and his arm tensed under her fingers with frozen anticipation. Remus' hand tightened in hers. Peter's eyes were shining and she could hear James whispering under his breath:


The hats were a black cloud, brushing the high beams of the ceiling. They fell-


And fell-


And exploded into vibrant fireworks, which shot off in all different directions, leaving streaks of yellow and red, green and blue, thick and effervescent. The cheers morphed into a wave of surprised laughter, rippling through them all. Hermione turned to Remus, eyes wide and said, "That was why you disappeared this morning?"

He grinned at her. "Well, we couldn't very well leave Hogwarts without going out with a bang!"

The sparks banded together, existing in the air momentarily, before forming animals. The green stretched out languidly, and a giant serpent slithered through the air, hissing and spitting sparks on the students. It slid forward, and then upright, exploding in a brilliant flash of white light, and an eagle burst from the midst. It soared around the ceiling, screeching and swooping low, dragging its claw inches over their heads.

Hermione ducked, and felt the wind caress her hair. She lifted her head up barely a second later, just in time to see the eagle fly into the window and dissipate in a shower of blue sparks. There was silence, and everybody waited, with bated breath.

The badger climbed out of an invisible burrow, yellow in colour, and considerably calmer than its predecessors. It snuffled at the floor, before its head perked up and it began lolloping across the air and it leaped-

The lion it landed and roared in an eruption of red sparks. It opened its mouth, baring its teeth, before it raised its hackles, head low, and crept towards them. Its eyes were vacant holes, formed from magical whizzing light, and Hermione felt herself enraptured by them. The lion pounced all of a sudden, and it came closer and closer to them, with no sign of stopping. A few students screamed, but just before it reached them, it exploded and the sparks rained down on them all, covering them in a thin layer of multi-coloured paint mist.

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