Chapter 92

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AN: I'm going to say this now because, by the end of the chapter, you will not want to vote for me. But I've been nominated (God knows how!!) for the Marauder Medals in two categories!! The Best Characterisation of Sirius and the Best Characterisation for a Non-Marauder (Avery)! Can you believe it?? Avery got nominated!

It's so so crazy! I can't even believe it. It's unreal because I never thought anyone would ever even bother to read this fanfiction, never mind nominate it for anything! Voting ends on the 30th November so I'll keep you updated!

Thank you to everyone reading this story, and to those who review. I absolutely love all of you. You make my day:)

Sorry for the long delay for this chapter. My laptop broke (INTO PIECES) but my dad managed to fix it! Thank God for fathers with electronic skills, eh?

Anyway, I spent a long time on this one to try and do it justice. I hope it's good enough for them.

Chapter 92

August 1931

The evening wind laced through his hair, enveloping him as soon as he stepped outside. It was odd, Sirius thought, wrapping his arms around himself, how even the summer seemed colder following the war.

It was true that they all felt a coldness deep in their bones; one which they couldn't shake off, or wait with hope that it would thaw away. It had changed them. It was a coldness that grew in the empty places, the places where people should be. But somehow, and for some reason, those places were gaping and deep, and they each tried to cram their gaps with happiness and other people and laughs that sometimes tore their throats they were so forced, and it wasn't enough. It couldn't be. But Sirius felt his fractures stop weeping when he was with his family, and it might not be enough to mend his holes, or make him whole again, but it would be one day.

His dark eyes locked on the figure at the bottom of the garden, and he made his way down to meet him. His coldness melted a little.

"Hey," Sirius said when he got close enough, stopping beside him and staring out at the meadow.

Remus glanced at him, and there was something drawing his eyebrows together when he asked, "Did Hermione send you?"

At this, Sirius frowned. He leaned against the stone wall. "No, I was looking for you. Why? Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

He pretended that Remus' answer wasn't as hasty as he heard it.


But Sirius didn't comment.

"I think I hit the nail on the head with that broomstick," he said instead, grinning widely. Remus scoffed.

"I think Lily is going to kill you," he replied, raising his eyebrows, but a wry smile curled his lips. Sirius felt his eyes drawn to it.

"Oh well," Sirius shrugged. "At least I'll go down in history as the Best Godfather Ever."

Remus rolled his eyes and said sceptically, "I'm not sure that's a thing."

"Well, I'm sure they'll make it a thing once they get a statement off Harry," he replied charmingly.

"A statement consisting of goo's and ga's? Yes, I'm sure that's reason enough to create an entirely new award just for you."

Sirius rested his chin on his hand and regarded him for a minute, before he said finally, "You must try to be less sarcastic. It hurts people."

Remus just snorted, but he cast his eyes out across the meadow. Sirius continued to watch him.

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