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"The raid was a disaster!" Someone was stressing, when Hermione next came to. "Voldemort got away! We nearly had him!

She felt her heart beating in her chest, loud and hard, but it wasn't painful. Whilst her body ached, and she felt like her own worn self again (the weight of life relentlessly pressed down upon her shoulders), the steady thrum was comforting. It told her one thing, reminded her of everything:

She was alive.

This time, she knew it was real because the world wasn't surreal. Hermione felt electrified, like every part of her was highly strung, finely tuned to the sudden intricacies of life but it didn't overwhelm her. It was like she was included in it all again, rather than observing from the side-lines. She heard the voice as though it was right next to her, echoing through her head. She felt someone sitting at the end of her bed for the mattress dipped by her feet. She felt each breath trickle past her lips.

Her eyelids fluttered open, and a groan left her lips. The discussion going on ceased immediately, and through half-closed lids, Hermione saw a flash of red hair.

"Back from the land of the dead, poppet?"

She blinked, and for a moment, she thought she must still be dreaming for she saw two of them. Their red hair was flaming against the paleness of their faces, (they looked like knights on fire), and their grins were like that of the Cheshire Cat's. She frowned. They disappeared from her view fairly quickly.

"Hermione? Are you alright?"

Lily's voice was the sweetest thing she had ever heard, and when Hermione saw her, she felt her throat close up. All she could do was stare at her. She sat up, eyes glued to the freckles that dotted her pink cheeks, and the shine in her green eyes. Hermione saw the life and concern and love sparkling there, and she threw her arms around her. She was alive. She was alive, immortalised through nerve and fluttering heart, not stone and legend. She was alive.

"Oh," Lily said, and she didn't know what to do but she hugged her friend back, stroking her hair. Hermione clutched her tighter to her, closing her eyes and relishing in the heartbeat she felt against her chest.

"Oh God," whispered Hermione, and her arms were holding her so tight. "I love you. Lily, I love you so much."

Lily frowned, but she didn't let her bewilderment show. She just rubbed her back, and said, "I know. I know and I love you too, Hermione."

Hermione was crying. She couldn't help it. She squeezed her eyes shut, but the tears came regardless because Lily was alive. She was a galaxy, existing, loudly and beautifully, like she should be.

When she pulled away, she wiped at her face. Lily was still as beautiful as the day Hermione had first laid eyes on her, all porcelain skin and emerald eyes and flaming hair. She was like an explosion of light and warmth. Hermione clung to that; everything was so painfully real that it left her breathless.

"I know we thought she was a nutcase before this," someone said lightly, and Hermione looked to see Fabian and Gideon standing just behind Lily. "But this is really taking the biscuit."

"Yeah, we're following a lunatic into battle!" Fabian cried. She couldn't help but laugh, even though it made her dizzy. They were so Weasley, but it didn't hurt. It just made her smile.

Deeper into the room, Caradoc was staring at her, and the impatience tinged his furrowed brows. Still, she could see the concern, and Hermione smiled at him. His face cleared, and he offered her a brief smile back. How was she supposed to tell him that they'd fought together, killed for one another? That he was her partner? Though it seemed impossible, she was sure she'd find a way. She wouldn't lose her partner again- she refused to.

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