Chapter 68- The Discovery

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September 1979

Life had been surprisingly quiet.

No more attacks had happened and the missions became more and more infrequent. There was no news about the Death Eaters and Voldemort seemed to have disappeared off the radar completely. Many of them were relishing in this serenity, but Hermione knew that it was simply the calm before the storm. He was biding his time for something. What, she had no idea, and she wouldn't like to be present for when they found out. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to enjoy this holiday. They didn't know when they would all get another one.

The Marauders were all sat together in the living room at Headquarters. It wasn't an impressive place, but small and as cosy as they could make it. Although she wouldn't admit it to them (she knew they would tease her), Hermione was excited to spend time with the four of them, as though they were still at Hogwarts.

She'd just been out buying basic supplies, and could hear them as soon as she entered Headquarters. Peter's loud and unrestrained laugh echoed through the door, down the hallway, towards her and she felt the smile pulling at her lips. She dropped the shopping off at the kitchen before she made her way towards her boys.

Hermione opened the door, slipping into the room.


She jumped, yell wrenched from her throat in sync with her wand, which zoomed into Sirius' hand. The room was silent, then Peter started laughing again, at the irritated expression on Hermione's face.

"Paranoid much, Pads?" James asked, amused.

"I'm paranoid but prepared," Sirius said, smirking as he handed her wand back to her.

"You're forgetting psychotic," Hermione pointed out, still alarmed by his reaction. She entered the room regardless, snatching her wand back and shooting James a smile when he snorted.

"The 4 P's everyone needs," Peter commented refreshingly and he looked surprisingly pleased about this declaration, even more so when he realised it rhymed.

Hermione and James shared a look.

"Erm, mate," Sirius began, "there were only three P's..."

"Paranoia, preparedness, psychosis and Peter!"

They all stared at him, seemingly speechless at the pride that coloured his cheeks and made his eyes sparkle. Sirius blinked. "You just inserted yourself into my mantra."

He didn't seem to know what to do with this information and returned his attention to the little figure he had conjured up to fight Peter's. Hermione wanted to roll her eyes, but there was a soft and gooey feeling inside of her instead. They were just little boy's in men's bodies.

"Where's Lily?" She asked, sitting on the floor at James' feet. The fire was warm and comforting on her back.

He replied, "She's gone to see her parents. I offered to go with her, but she was thinking of staying there for a bit. She hasn't seen them in a while because of... well, everything going on, I guess."

"That's sweet. How's married life treating you?" Hermione teased.

James slumped his head onto his hand and said, "Merlin, it's the best. I've dreamt about this day since I was sixteen-!"

"Thirteen," Sirius interrupted, not looking at him. His focus was purely on the battle in front of him.

"Twelve," Peter corrected.

"Twelve?" Sirius repeated, tearing his attention away for a second. His eyebrows were raised and there was pure shock in his voice. "Really? That young?"

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