Chapter 41- The Operation Deerly Beloved (oh deer)

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The three of them stood by the table that their group had claimed, watching the dancefloor with three very different pairs of eyes. Hermione was nervous. Remus was hesitant. Sirius was keen, practically buzzing with eagerness. He kept checking his watch, and his lips twitched, desperate to split into a huge grin at what was in store.

Most people had retired to their tables to eat or rest their legs, but James was sulking nearby and Lily was still dancing with Bernie.

"Just to check," Remus stated, glancing at Sirius, "the plan still doesn't involve murder?"

The latter hesitated.

Remus' eyes widened and he questioned in a low and warning voice, "Sirius?"

Sirius whined, spinning to face him. "It only ends in murder if he refuses to cooperate!"

Exasperated, Remus said, "Sirius, you're trying to set his girlfriend up with someone else! Of course he's not going to cooperate!"

"This isn't so much a plan as a timed procession of events," Hermione felt inclined to point out.

"Darling," Sirius said patiently, "don't belittle the plan with your big words."

He patted her head. She huffed.

"Now," he continued, taking her hand and clasping something in her palm, before pushing her forwards. "You know what you have to do."

Hermione shot him an incredulous look, but her feet carried her away regardless. She shook her head. "I can't believe I'm drugging my best friends."

"It's not drugging!" Sirius whispered furiously. She glared at him and he gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up. "It's-"

"Substance manipulation! I know!" She finished for him. She rolled her eyes. "It's still drugging."

Sirius sighed. "It's drugging them with love!"

Remus' eyes narrowed as he mulled this over. He said, "I don't think that's how it works, Padfoot. I doubt you can validate everything you do by claiming you did it 'with love.'"

Hermione winced, but nevertheless, continued what she was doing. The vial was cool and small in her hand, and the purple liquid swirled, in tune to the uncertainty settling in her stomach. And still, despite this, she felt a certain awe staring at the potion. The Marauders had made this, had brewed and perfected it. Anyone else, Hermione would've deemed that notion preposterous but with Sirius' avid procrastination to complete any real schoolwork, James' excitement, Remus' analytical mindset and Peter's encouragement, it became clearer as to how these four achieved anything they set their hearts to.

She reached the drinks table and collected two goblets of Butterbeer. Her hand shook as she poured a single drop of the potion into both drinks. The liquid fizzed, then went flat once more. Hermione slid the vial up her sleeve, picked up the goblets and cringed, before painting an easy smile on her face and making her way over to James.

"Do try not to look too depressed. You really do dampen the decorations," she commented lightly, taking the seat beside him.

He looked across at her, hazel eyes soft. "Hey Hermione."

"You should cheer up," she said, popping the goblet in front of him.

James frowned at it. He leaned forward to sniff it and recoiled, wrinkling his nose in distaste. "What is that?"

"A refreshment," Hermione replied. "I figured you'd need it."

Her attention was snagged by a particular redhead and she stood up abruptly. Without really looking, she swooped down and kissed James on the head, and said, "Now, smile!" His lips curled on their own accord at the stern tone she had adopted. She beamed at him, patting his cheek before whisking off to her next target. She needed to be quick. Her hands were sweating. The sooner she could drug them both, the better.

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