Chapter 6- The Sleep

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The plan was brilliant. Flawless. Whilst she had known that Remus was smart (he had been a Professor, for Christ's sake!), Hermione hadn't fully stopped and thought about how intelligent the Marauders must be; they did create a map that could track people's movements around one of the most protected magical buildings in the world, regardless of any deception used. But now, seeing it in action, she was rendered speechless.

After they had run through the basics of their prank, the five of them moved outside to avoid perked ears and were now sat on the banks of the lake. Sirius and Peter were skimming rocks across the surface of the water, laughing as they tried to get farther than the other. James had made a bypass to the Quidditch Shed and had, with a crooked smile and wink at Hermione, retrieved a snitch to play with. He was currently leaning against a tree, watching the golden ball with lazy eyes.

Remus was lying next to her, arms folded underneath his head, eyes closed. Hermione watched him, tracing the faint lines of his face. From a distance, his pale skin appeared untarnished, but she knew better. White, almost invisible scars marred his complexion. She couldn't help but compare this Remus to the one she knew; he was so much happier in this era.

"You're staring at me."

Hermione jumped and refocused her gaze on him. An eye cracked open and his lips quirked upwards. She blushed, stuttering.

"I don't mind," Remus added and in a dry tone said, "I have been told I am a wonder to look upon."

She snorted and he only looked mildly offended before his face split into a grin. Hermione sobered up and just smiled at him.

"So why were you staring?" Remus asked quietly. His gaze was so intense.

Shrugging, she didn't reply. He raised an eyebrow, obviously finding her silence interesting and she sighed. "You have scars on your face," Hermione replied in a small whisper.

His face drained of emotion.

"I'm aware."

Hermione just stared at him.

James, who had previously been amusing himself, shot up, eyes wide. His eyes flicked to Remus once, before he burst out laughing, mirth spilling from his grinning lips. Hermione watched him with caution, confused at his sudden eruption. He leaned forward, slapping his knee as silent laughter bubbled out of his mouth.

She frowned at Remus, wondering if he knew what was going on, but the other boy merely looked resigned as he watched his friend. A slight smile tugged at his face, though he didn't show it.

Just then, Sirius called over excitedly, "Hey James! Watch this!"

Scrunching his face up in concentration, he turned to the side, bending over at the waist so his behind was sticking back, and, with a long sweeping swing of his arm, flicked the rock out across the surface of the lake. It bounced once, twice, then plopped underneath the water.

His face shot to James, evidently proud. James, on the other hand, looked flabbergasted for a second before he asked indignantly, "You're proud of that? Padfoot, mate, that was bloody shite! It only bounced twice before it sunk!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and retorted, his voice scathing, "You're just jealous."

Peter scoffed from his place next to him. Then, his face lit up and he said slyly, "Bet I can make it ten."

"What? You fucking wish, Wormtail."

The smaller boy raised an eyebrow, before, practising the action a few times, he flicked his wrist forwards. The stone went zooming across the water, causing ripples to billow out each time it struck the velvety, dark surface.

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